I must do something really wrong because I never succeed.
I've tried it several times but always fail.
I date no guys.
I talk to James in January so as to go to the Q&A as soon as possible.
I go to Q&A on 01/27, 02/03, 02/09, 02/17, 02/18, 02/24, 02/25, 03/03, 03/04, 03/04, 03/05, 03/07, 03/10, 03/16, 03/17, 03/18, 03/24, 03/25, 03/21, 04/01, 04/07, 04/14, 04/21, 04/22, 04/28, 04/29... and Liz doesn't ask me on 04/29
I see liz at the photo shoot on April 6
I meet Liz on April 15th when I decide to go swimming and she tells me "You should lead Q&A next year"
(so I believe I'm doing something wrong after April 15th).
I help the other Liz on April 21st with the pamphlets.
Oh, I forgot, I talk to liz on Feb 16th when going for a Pizza with Adam.
I spend 100% of my time on the planner at Q&A.
I checked the friendships stats.
I have 100% with both Lizs and with James.
Yet, it always ends up with Liz doing another year and giving lead to Mike.
I know I'm doing something wrong but I can't find what...
:-( :-(