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I like the idea here, seems like a fun little game. As others have said, a little bit more range on the attacks would be nice. Also seems like you can still be hit by enemies after you defeat them. I blew up that first sweeper bot in the lab while holding left down and apparently got clipped by a hitbox on the way through.

Only other complaint I have is that you should go through and have the artist(s) do a pass over and make sure all your art is the same pixel resolution. Obviously for the jam it's understandable that it might not be the same, but this is more for after the jam. :p

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for playing and the complete feedback XD.

We will investigate the "hit after defeat", we programate it, but maybe we don't disable hitbox after death for all enemies. We will add some range in atack and add one form to indicate how long the atack goes. 

About the pixel resolution, i don't understand exactly the task XD. We decide to make everything in 32 x 32 pixels and 128 x 128 only the bigger enemies. Sometimes, we use some zoom in the sprites because the real size of sprites didn't fit with the scenario (probably here is the problem, i think in it while writing XD).

Anyway, thanks again for the feedback. We just love when someone indicate where the problems of our work are; It's very important for our self improvment. S2

I hope you enjoyed our game!