Sound was a little loud, and the powerups were a little hard to tell what they were actually doing. A good solid foundation for a game at least, though I almost feel phase 2 is a little lacking. Maybe raise the base speed of the ball?
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A very good recreation of the GBC Zeldas!
I do wish enemies dropped health, I ended up fighting the King with only a quarter heart left and he bugged out a bit. The dialog box stayed on screen for a while after the king started attacking, and so I died. But I also respawned in the same room which I'm not sure was intentional.
Also you have the hitbox of the two brothers having a conversation too tall, I tried to go into Rune's house and triggered conversations with both of them.
I like the idea of a beat-em-up skateboarding game, but boy howdy were the controls fighting me at every step and turn in this. So my first instance of getting hit actually apparently launched me all the way across the first level. This also, unfortunately was the only time I completed the first level. Though, admittedly, I dunno if it was completely finished as when I got to the right edge it was mostly just grey blocks rather than the street tiles. Although that may have just been time constraints too.
After that my problem came down to actually getting a board so I could get across. Talking to the NPC didn't seem to give me one, so I tried to punch the kappa.. and died. Dunno what the range on the punch is. I sorta felt like it didn't work from you zalgo'ing the text. Next I tried jumping and had mixed success aiming the jumps lol.
From then on I had a hard time progressing at all. Timing the jumps was rough (though you've addressed this with other comments), and also I wasn't sure if grinding was a thing because the collisions on the rails were so hit or miss. Couldn't tell if they were meant to be solid walls or not :s
Despite all this I did enjoy the idea, art, and audio though. So it's more of a polish and UX pass that seems to be needed than anything else.
I like the idea here, not my type of game unfortunately but I did think the game would be fun for those who do.
As other have stated, stars can sometimes double spawn.
Only other criticisms I really have are
A) I think the disintegrating platforms should probably be a little more consistent. There were a couple of times where if I walked across a bridge of them, every other one would disintegrate.
B) Enemies maybe shouldn't be knocked back, at least as much. Made it kind of frustrating to grab the stars from enemies you placed on smaller platforms.
Hah, I may have left in the debug thing to start the escape sequence in the wrong object.
You're only supposed to be able to start the sequence in the last room.
And yeah I forgot to include a fail state for the escape so the timer just goes negative, and glitches due to the sprite rendering. Though to be fair if I had included a fail state, your situation would've been trapped in a loop. While the game normally saves the player's info when you switch rooms, it doesn't during the escape run (to prevent someone from making a mistake and it causing them to be stuck).
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm planning on touching things up and putting some finishing touches to it after the voting is done. Hopefully you give it another look then.
After that, who knows? Maybe expanding the jam into a game??? :P
I was really hoping there wasn't going to be a jump-scare.
It seemed like an interesting idea but sadly was overall a 'meh' experience to me. The graphics do seem to fit into the early 3D era, though I wasn't really apart of it aside from the N64 era. The mouse sensitivity was a little off too, took me quite a bit of turning to turn around.
A fun little experience, though I do wish the "reload" mechanic either wasn't there, had a button we could use to force a reload, or some sort of audio/visual cue to know when we're ready to shoot again.
Also could we start with a full magazine please? Having two bullets loaded with enemies taking 3 is highly awkward :c
A very shiny little action game!
I wasn't terribly sure of all the mechanics (what is with the sarcophagus anyways?) but it seems like things were thought out. And yeah I can see what others are saying about Spelunky vibes, though I do wish I knocked enemies back a little on hit, haha.
My only major complaint is I think you should render an outline around the text, kinda hard to see your health when it's up against a wall.
Yea! Tetris, I can always get down with some Tetris.
Wasn't sure how I was getting gold, so it felt kinda bad when I got a shop, but wasn't able to buy anything. But other than that the power-ups seemed well done, and I love the snake power-up. Useful for filling holes you might have accidentally made!
My only real wish mechanics wise is the ability to spin blocks at the edge of the screen. Sort of awkward with the L/J pieces when they won't rotate at the edge.
I agree with Jonah, there's a good potential here. It could use a little bit of polish, maybe make the enemies a little more reactive so that way we know when they were hit and dead. But other than that, yeah, make a second game loop to interact with the one you've got here (maybe some upgrades, classes, etc.) and you've got yourself a fun little game!
I like the idea here, seems like a fun little game. As others have said, a little bit more range on the attacks would be nice. Also seems like you can still be hit by enemies after you defeat them. I blew up that first sweeper bot in the lab while holding left down and apparently got clipped by a hitbox on the way through.
Only other complaint I have is that you should go through and have the artist(s) do a pass over and make sure all your art is the same pixel resolution. Obviously for the jam it's understandable that it might not be the same, but this is more for after the jam. :p
Once again you pull off some amazing artwork, but unfortunately the game's too buggy and too hard for me ;-;
I went out into the fields trying to find the castle, got attacked and had my party almost wiped by the first combat encounter. Then my game crashed when I went into the item menu, and had no items. I think I tried to back out, may have hit confirm on accident.
The second time around, a group of goblins/rats attacked me, dropped my cleric, so I tried to return to town to heal up and maybe buy gear, and it seems as if the area loaded improperly, all the npcs were guards and the town's collision didn't match up to the tiles. When I did leave I got attacked as soon as I left the 'town', to the point where I think it happened before the world map showed up so it looked like I was still in town when the fight happened. After I ran, it booted me to I assume the upper left of the map where it is mostly water and a small peninsula.
If you do find the time to work out the bugs on this, I'd love to give it another try. Let me know if you do!
I do enjoy the idea, I love falling block type puzzle games, but man... it's just a hair too clunky for me to really sit down with.
I sorta would rather have either the person controls/swap controls be separate, or have the swapper be tied to the player position. That might also solve the problem I have with expecting to be able to swap with the edge of the field.
Also there was a small bug where I restarted too quickly and the music overlapped. Once I failed and restarted again the music reset properly though. Nothing too bad though.
Unfortunately I felt I had to knock points off for the use of Zelda 2 and Megaman sprites. The game seems like it had some sound ideas but was lacking on some key elements for me. Sound would have gone a long ways towards making the disappearing blocks work better, and overall the hit feedback in both directions could have been improved. In addition the switching between mouse controls and keyboard controls felt awkward.
As for the bosses, I actually don't know what emerald knight did for his attacks because I was able to just stand in his hitbox and dps-race him.
It's a good start, but does need some polish.
Responsiveness would be the best way I would put it? There would be times I hit the button and didn't grab the object, even when I was overlapping it, so I'd have to hit the grab button again.
My laptop isn't the best machine any more, it lags even playing my own GMS games, so that might have been it. Either that or it might have been the grab range. How were you doing the detection for it?
Rockets were Z, lol, though if you tried that you need to make sure you weren't out of rockets either.
Like I said, I probably should have posted the controls somewhere. I've updated the page since I made my first reply to you so hopefully future people don't run into the same problems.
And yeah I did all the testing with the twin linked lasers. I sorta wish I had given rockets more of a presence, y'know? As it stands they're a marginally better, slower firing, limited ammo option that only has some very specific uses.
Hit detection seemed a bit weird rarely. I watched my shot go through an enemy tank once. As possibly an extension of that it was hard to tell when I got hit since I was so focused on the horizon.
Other than that, a fun little thing. I loved being able to stop enemy shots with my own, and getting the enemies to blow each other up!
A little bit clunky control wise, but otherwise seemed pretty thought out.
I did run into some problems with the bombs missing the enemies and my own hitbox was a little hard to figure out. Lack of sounds also sort of dampened things a bit.
Keep tweaking it! Maybe add in a bit of acceleration or deceleration for the player so that movement feels just a hair bit better.