Ok, next let's look at squidyavi.bat inside of c:\programdata
Open it in notepad and paste the contents here.
It's turned on, 100%.
I reinstalled After Effects and GIFsquid. I'll wirte the process, because maybe there is a different mistake:
->Installed After Effects, turned Scripts on (all of my other Scripts work)
->Installed GIFsquid: Copied everything from the Zip to: C;\\program files\adobe\after effects cc 2018\support files\scripts\scriptui panels.
-> Started a new project file, copied my file into the project, created a comp from the file, clicked on window and gifsquid, clicked squirt gif and then the message shows up. And it only renders a .avi file.
Can't find any squidyavi.bat in c:\programdata, nor in the folder where i rendered the file to.
Hi there,
I'm having the exact same issue and have followed the exact same steps. Scripts is turned on, the files are copied into the folder, when I click the button I get an avi render and nothing else. However, I DO have a squidy.bat file. https://pastebin.com/TrXepnXG
I don't know if a solution has already been found but hopefully this helps.
For others coming this far. I found a solution with going to C:\Program Files\Adobe After Effects CC 2019\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels\GIFsquid\bin and running convert.exe. I needed to give permission to run it since Windows flagged it as a risk. I still get the modal pop-up with GigSquid thinking AE crashed, but it outputs the gif.
Hi, I'm having exactly the same issues as the above posters. I triple checked, and the allow scripts to write files setting is on. I also am not getting any log files in ProgramData.
I have tried AE2019, AE2018 and AE2017. Each of them immediately gives me the "It may appear that After Effects has crashed" error. In AE2018 & AE2019, it actually crashes afterwards. In 2017, AE stays open on the render queue but no output path is set and nothing is happening.
Wondering if there's been some sort of Windows update that messes all this up?