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Only had a quick round on this, but neat little shooter. It felt a little weird hitting the "edge" of the map, it might have worked better wrapping.

Definitely one to replay with more time

Thanks for the feedback, I agree that it’s a bit odd to suddenly stop when hitting the edge but wrapping wouldn’t work for this game since it’d break the intended design of certain missions. For example, mission 5 requires you to fly from the bottom-right corner of the map to the top-left corner and back several times fast enough to rescue the escape pods. Wrapping would cut down the amount of travelling distance required since the player could take a short-cut by flying towards the corner to wrap-around to the other corner rather than having to fly across the map, defeating the intended design of the mission. I’ve just had the idea that maybe bouncing the player off the edge gently might be better than just stopping completely, I might implement that in future development if I get around to doing further work on Solar Guard after the jam.


I didn't get that far in my play, but a good reason not to wrap. I agree the bounce might be less jarring than a dead stop though