As you have noticed the game really struggles for not having a tutorial for explaining things: the game does have melee (melee kills can recover ammo on any robot), alt fire for guns is something you just have to find out by yourself, there's other "hidden" mechanics in the game, that if not told are difficult to find out: like the fact that matching the weapon color with the enemy color deals 2x damage, or that bouncing Grenade Launcher grenades deals more damage. But I have no clue how to implement a tutorial on a game such as this.
The levels are randomly generated and there is an end goal, a final boss, it's on level 6.
Making the game more rewarding is an issue aswell (I set myself a deadline and I had to crunch like crazy, some things were added last minute), like you suggested: “Reach Level 20 to get next time a Chaingun at the start”, expect I could of made it so defeating the final boss gives you a better starting weapon next time or something.
The Chaingun sounds were rather difficult to implement, because of the very fast fire rate, sounds would start clipping, so whilst trying to fix that, I might have forgotten to tune down the bass or the volume as you've said.
You're feedback is really good and useful, thanks for taking your time for giving me detailed feedback.
Its good, that you set yourself a deadline.
I think, the problem with teaching the damage could be solved by showing the damage you do. Like Borderlands or Dead Island do it. Then you have both the finding out and you have the learning, that its more effective.
Meele is also thing. After writing the comment, I actually realised there is meele… But I haven’t noticed, because I jumped right into the game. But meele doesn’t feel right. You hit multiple time a enemy, but “nothing” happens. What could be improved by giving a time window where you instantly kill the enemy. f.E. Shoot down to 20 health and then meele. Similar how DOOM does it.
It has a goal? Good. Then next time maybe make it more ovious. :)
Audacity has a Checkbox when changing Bass and Highs, where it automaticly adjusts the volume.
And no I don’t expect you “fix” or change it now. Its just feedback, how to make it better next time. :)