Hei, yeah, they can see you in the distance, but you can shoot them. And a little pro-tip: crouching makes it harder for them to shoot you ;)
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Hei, thank you. Yeah, I forgot to add collision to the things, because I made and placed them quite late in development (last two hours, not counting build time).
The idea, with the cardboard gun was effectively something I needed to be able to model quickly and make it look good. So modeling a full weapon wasn’t really in the time, and I didn’t had a modeller at hand. But I agree, that would’ve been pretty cool. :D
Yeah, I’m fully aware that the secrets are dissappointing at best. I even wrote on the game page, that I only met the limitation by a technicallity. I wanted to make a shooter and completely forgot to think about the limitation…
Hei, happy you liked it. Thanks for the feedback. The lack of tutorials and lack of “Narrative” came from my rather tight time planning. With that said, I could’ve at least wrote some small text about him waking up or something. And Controls could be written down somewhere on a table or something nearby.
Yeah, the health thing, I kinda agree, but I wanted to try it and I also tried to mitigate it, by for one having small levels with predictable enemy placements and showing the player what hit him and then a quick respawn.
Maybe I try to fix a few of those things, in an update. :)
Its good, that you set yourself a deadline.
I think, the problem with teaching the damage could be solved by showing the damage you do. Like Borderlands or Dead Island do it. Then you have both the finding out and you have the learning, that its more effective.
Meele is also thing. After writing the comment, I actually realised there is meele… But I haven’t noticed, because I jumped right into the game. But meele doesn’t feel right. You hit multiple time a enemy, but “nothing” happens. What could be improved by giving a time window where you instantly kill the enemy. f.E. Shoot down to 20 health and then meele. Similar how DOOM does it.
It has a goal? Good. Then next time maybe make it more ovious. :)
Audacity has a Checkbox when changing Bass and Highs, where it automaticly adjusts the volume.
And no I don’t expect you “fix” or change it now. Its just feedback, how to make it better next time. :)
Its pretty nice. Your gunplay is very satisfaing. Shooting a robot with the revolver in the head and the ammo and health pops out is pretty cool. But what is missing is a meele, Movement is pretty cool, aswell. The enemies have verity and its always visible who is who.
The Doom-Inspration is very visible, but not in a bad way. Most of the weapons are heavly inspired from it. Can’t really blame.
The music is where the doom inspration shines. Its really well implermented. You have a low soundtrack when you walk in corridors and when the battle begins the soundtrack gets up and kicks. Its no Mick Gordon, but its really nice for a indie game. The models and animations are really good.
The sounds are a mixed bag. Most of them sound good or great. But then there is the chaingun-sound. Please… decrease the bass or volume. Its way too loud, considering the other sounds.
But sadly there are issues.
Most notably balancing of your weapons. I had no issues playing only with the revolver and the shotgun on auto mode.
Why only shotgun in auto mode? Its way faster in auto mode to quickly shot multiple precise shots. You could, f.E., force always two shots when you shot the shotgun in auto mode or make the single shot more (visual) powerful.
Why only revolver and shotgun? Both do alot of damage for fairly little ammo consumtion. It doesn’t help that the Rifle and Chaingun use the same ammo as the revolver but do way less damage or are harder to control.
Then there is player direction. I stopped at one point over the pause menu. I don’t know if there is a actual end, you can reach. To me it looks like all levels are generated. There is no goal.
Idea: Make a visual, where the only information is, how many levels he survived. Thats it. Now you could make a goal like: “Reach Level 20 to get next time a Chaingun at the start” or something to keep the player motivated.
You are really good in what you are doing here. Just a few things to iron out. Hope I could help. :D