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as somebody who is off to necropost(?) i present to you this, why not both, in a sense. Hear me out, but there'd essentially be two difficulties, one with the new system in place, and one with a modified old system in place. The new system would level up over time as normal, while the old system will have all the individual stats level up seperately and still have a cap. You could instead increase the cap using juice. More work to level up and with a cap to work with, it could lead to more challenging battles, especially if there's a hard limit on how high the cap can go. Since this game is so physics based, it would be cool to see this as a more skill based difficulty, where you'd have to focus on dodging and strategically striking enemies, and managing your juice for increasing the size of weapons and budgeting them for stat cap increases, since ultimately, no cap to skills ultimately means somebody can grind for high stats


Yes, I think that is the plan~ a choice between Classic and Journey modes, and possibly some other challenge modes. It is the best way to avoid suddenly altering the game and destroying players' old ways of life haha. Journey mode will be more difficult and you'll spend more time on foot killing monsters as opposed to killing the three bosses and getting max stats in about half an hour.


that sounds awesome quite honestly, and it gives me an excuse to play again after wasting all my juice on big sword and copy weapon lmao