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(1 edit)

Hi, all of the features that you mentioned above are useful. But i can only implement the features which in my ability.

  • FPS: 250 fps is enough for a game like that, right? 
  • Graphic: Currently, i'm trying to implement 2D lighting system so that i can replace the opaque circus of the character with the actual light. 
  • Post processing: If i used Unity, i could have one. Also, package manager is pretty new to me. (I use java and intelliJ IDEA)
  • Skin: adding skin is pretty cool and easy.............if i'm a good art designer. I also think about implementing it but the issue here is i can't create skin with photoshop or with anything else.

I'm appreciate all of your suggestions. But the biggest problem here is my code was too dirty and awful that i nearly can't do anything with it. Maybe i will improve in my next game.