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HIT game

A member registered Jul 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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great game bro. Also can you check out my game?

appreciate that :)))

(2 edits)

It was hard but also really exciting when i had to do everything on my own.

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IntelliJ bro and it's not an engine, it's just an IDE

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I tested it a lot of time and i have never met that bug before. Anyway, thanks for your feedback :)

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Thanks for the reporting the problems. I also feel the enemies are spawned too fast that the player may have no time to prepare. Probably because i have played it so much time so i felt it normal. I will fix this later.  About the bug you mentioned, i don't really get it. Can you explain more about that?. And i will add the tutorial.

And maybe you should know this. This game is my entry so it's a once-developed game (i hope you understand what i'm trying to say), so i will improve all of the missing feature in my next game.

Hi , i have played your game. It's quite good. I like the lighting in the game and the UI style of the menu and dead screen. It looks very fit. But, there is a few things that need to be improved. 

  • It's a bit hard to control the player.
  • Shooting is bad. If you make it always aim to the enemies, then make it aim to the closest one. 
  • Empty map. 
  • There is no goal in the game. 

Anyway, your game is actually really good. Keep working on it.

I'm also a game developer. Would you like to play my game? Here is the link.


Wow, i glad to hear you say that. If you have any idea for my game, just comment. 

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Good game and creative mechanism. I really enjoyed it. I got a few ideas that probably useful for your game. 

  • Since you used game maker studio 2 as the tool to make this game, you can also add 2D lighting to make your game brighter. 
  • Improve level design. Check this video to know how to do that.

I hope you can improve your game and even release an update in the near future. 

I'm also a game creator. Can you check out my game? Here is the link.


I hope you enjoy my game like how i felt after played your game.

i can pass the flying obstacle section. But when i meet the lava obstacle at the end of the section, i don't know how to pass anymor. (Send helps).

I'm crying right now!

Here is my record. 

Open photo

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Thanks for the reply. I use W to jump because i'm not used to jumping with the SPACE button. About the starter enemies, they have ability to avoid player's ammo so it's kinda hard to hit them with the pistol. But you can upgrade the pistol in the shop. The price is affordable (i think). About the empty space on 1080p screen, maybe i will improve it in my next game :). i stop working on this. (sorry).

Edit: you can adjust the screen resolution to 1366 x 768 to get the fullscreen game. I'm will improve this later.

Maybe you should paint an attempt icon on the screen (like Geometry dash) to make player become more hopeless (like me :( , I hate your GAME bro :D ).

Hi, if you stil develop it, then follow these suggestions to improve your game.

  • You made this game in Unity, therefore take care of the physic of the game. 
  • Map is a bit bored, so add some scene in the background. (Not necessary)
  • To make your game look better, watch this video.
  • Eyes of the player should flashes to make it's more natural.
  • Increase variety of obstacle (Moving platform, Rotating platfrom...)
  • Menu, dead screen...
  • Effect when player died.

With all of the suggestions above, i hope you can change you game significantly.  Keep developing!

I'm also a game dev. Can you check out my game? Here is the link.


If you played it, then let me know your thoughts.

cool game bro. I can't even pass the first level after hundreds of attempts. This is kinda hard. Keep developing!

I also made a SQUARE MASTERPIECE like yours :) . so if u want to try is, here is the link. (It's even harder then your game :)) ).


Hi, i have played your game and i really enjoy it. You had a very creative concept. Keep develop it and release it on other platform like android or ios. I pretty sure it will attract a lot of people. Keep working!

I'm also a game creator. If you don't mind, please check it out. Here is the link.


I hope you enjoy my game too. 

Basically,  the graphic in the game is drew by the Java painting API so it's not very beautiful. What i'm trying to do right now is i'm want to implement 2D lighting into my game. It can help my game a bit better.

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The game is already fullscreen

Edit: if you have a screen with high resolution, adjust to 1366 x 768 to get the fullscreen game. I will improve this later

Let me know your thoughts after playing the game

Have you played my game?

I see it. But if you said the crates are meant for cover, then what about the explosize barrel. I couldn't break it too.

Hi, you pong game is good. If you still develop it, then i'd like to give you some features that might make your game better.

  • Add some screen to complete your game.
  • Split the game into 2 diffirent modes. The first one is Human Vs Human. The second one is Human Vs Bot. Also in the bot modes, add 3 diffirent levels is easy, normal and hard. 
  • To make the gameplay becomes more interesting and unpredictable, the ball should bound in diffirent angle every time it touches the panel. 
  • Draw a line in the middle to seperate 2 sections of the screen.

With the suggestions above, i hope you can improve the game. Keep working!

By the way, i'm also a game developer. If you don't mind, please check my product. Here is the link.


if you played, tell me your feeling

Hi, i have played your game. I hope you still develop it because you may need to improve a few things to make your game becomes more playable.

  •  When the gun is rotated to the left side, you should flip it vertically.
  • Crates are hard to break.
  • There is no goal in the game.

Hopefully, you can fix that to make your game better. Keep working.

I'm also a beginner game developer. If you don't mind, i'd like to introduce you my game. Here is the link.


If you played the game, tell me your feeling.

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Hi, all of the features that you mentioned above are useful. But i can only implement the features which in my ability.

  • FPS: 250 fps is enough for a game like that, right? 
  • Graphic: Currently, i'm trying to implement 2D lighting system so that i can replace the opaque circus of the character with the actual light. 
  • Post processing: If i used Unity, i could have one. Also, package manager is pretty new to me. (I use java and intelliJ IDEA)
  • Skin: adding skin is pretty cool and easy.............if i'm a good art designer. I also think about implementing it but the issue here is i can't create skin with photoshop or with anything else.

I'm appreciate all of your suggestions. But the biggest problem here is my code was too dirty and awful that i nearly can't do anything with it. Maybe i will improve in my next game. 

I have played many triangle game but i have to say this is the best one. Awesome concept. Keep working on it. You should release it on Steam if you can.

If you don't mind, i'd like to introduce you my game. Please check it out. Here is the link.


If you played, let me know your feeling.

Have you downloaded and played it?

I use java and intelliJ IDEA as the tools to make the game. I don't use Javascript.

Hi, i like this game and after playing the game, i wonder if you are a fan of Dani because this game is pretty similar to Party rocket. Anyway, here is my suggestions:

  • Camera should focus on the center of player.
  • Coins are definely useless. You should implement a shop.
  • Your screen-change mechanism may causes headache. I strongly recommend you to make the screen change instancely instead of move.

I pretty like the lighting effect in your game and i'm trying to reach that.

If you don't mind, i'd like to introduce you my game. I'm just a beginner dev so if you have any suggestion for me, let me know it. Here is the link.


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Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I also think about making the screen shake when shooting but it doesn't work out so well. Jump pad is a good idea. By the way, you said some area seemed hard to get to. Using shotgun or sniper, you can get there by shoot to the ground right after you jump. 


"Add flashes". Well, I already have a particle system.

The game also has double jump, even triple jump. Press and release the button repeatly to use.

There is a fact you need to know that currently , i'm stop working on this game so you won't get any update of this game in the future. Sorry for that.

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Enemy should be able to shoot the player. Therefore, the player should have a health bar. But you can also borrow the mechanism from galaga. At the beginning of the game, there are 3 available ship for the player represent health. 

Edit: You should better redesign the enemy and player. I suggest you the concept of a game called "Platypus game" (Clay game). I pretty like the style of its enemy.

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Although your game is inspired by Flappy Bird, you should add some features to make it more interesting then the original version. 

Here is my recommendations for your game:

  • Moving clouds on the sky
  • Piles should be closer to each other to increase the difficulty
  • Change angle of bee when flying
  • Sound effects
  • Background music (Not necessary)
  • Dead screen 

As you are a beginner dev, this is a good entry. Keep working.

I'm also a beginner like you. If you don't mind, please check out my product. Here is the link.


Thanks for your feedback. 

Maybe we should call this as CSGO 2050 :)

Good concept. If you develop this more and release it on other platforms like android, ios, it might attract a lot of people.

If you don't mind, i'd like to introduce my game to you. Please, check it out. Here is the link.


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I see it. You should make those buttons bigger so that player can realize it easier.  Have you played my game? If yes, let me know your feeling