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Hi, you pong game is good. If you still develop it, then i'd like to give you some features that might make your game better.

  • Add some screen to complete your game.
  • Split the game into 2 diffirent modes. The first one is Human Vs Human. The second one is Human Vs Bot. Also in the bot modes, add 3 diffirent levels is easy, normal and hard. 
  • To make the gameplay becomes more interesting and unpredictable, the ball should bound in diffirent angle every time it touches the panel. 
  • Draw a line in the middle to seperate 2 sections of the screen.

With the suggestions above, i hope you can improve the game. Keep working!

By the way, i'm also a game developer. If you don't mind, please check my product. Here is the link.

if you played, tell me your feeling

(1 edit)

Thanks, I'll update it :D

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Deleted 3 years ago

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well, The game is nice but you sould put better graphics

Basically,  the graphic in the game is drew by the Java painting API so it's not very beautiful. What i'm trying to do right now is i'm want to implement 2D lighting into my game. It can help my game a bit better.