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Really fun concept! I wish there had been some sound for just a bit more feedback about what's happening. Also, I found it was pretty easy to just stand by the front door and scare away thieves and dunces. Maybe if you had another interaction you had to use to accept the wizards' money, that would add some more challenge!

Thanks for the feedback, I completely agree! I ran out of time a lot on this one (it was my first game jam, and I severely overestimated how long it would take lol). It was actually a lot more fun when there were tens of people flooding the shop at the same time, but you'd lose quick and the shop wasn't big enough, so I made it easier and easier again for the first level so beginners could get the basics down. That was one of the last things I did, and I had been awake more than 24 hours at that point and I ended up making the game wayyyyy too easy. So yeah, the reason behind the game being so easy is that I'm an idiot and spent too long drawing pixel art haha! Thanks again for the feedback and taking the time to play my game! :)