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Fun game! Controls feel really nice to handle and I like the time mechanic you implemented. I also like the addition of the crowns, which provide the player an extra platforming challenge. Your checkpoints are generous, which I appreciate, and the visuals and sound design is really good.

I think the falling platforms and spikes should move slower. Certain areas feel luck-based when I try to stop time because the objects are moving so fast that it's extremely difficult to react to. I think the platforms should move at a speed that's fast enough so that the player has to use the time mechanic, but slow enough so that they also have time to react and strategize a path. I also think a bar that shows how much time can be rewound would be useful. Sometimes it rewinds a different amount, like when you're using it repeatedly, so a visual indicator would be nice.

Great game overall. I enjoyed playing through it.

Thanks for playing! I am glad you liked the game.

Yeah, I agree, should have made them a bit slower. And I did have a time rewind bar, but I removed because it only rewind time back to 1 second, so it was not much of a use and was covering a bit of screen.

Thanks for the feedback! :)