Spent a half an hour or so on the old 2.0 free demo to see how broken it is (surprisingly lot less than expected btw), it's exactly what it looks like: running around fleeing from an enemy a la Amnesia but from a literal walking stereotype with a bad case of 'facial animations on 200%' this time. About as cliché as you can make them.
Saiko does have some charming quirks though. Walking around the halls and seeing her (rather jitterishly) creep right behind your back in the moonlit floor for fun, her dragging you to a room and counting to ten or just playing peek-a-boo with her using the pillars was kind of cute. The scare factor was long vaporized already by that point anyway.
It's a nice 'Dev's First Unity Project' but other than that, nothing really interesting or unique here. Letalone scary. Small note, the project URL still says 'satuka', not 'sutoka' you might want to update that.
EDIT: Gave it a few more spins, Saiko has some surprising wits. She can flank you from corridoors, camp outside rooms for an ambush, and stalk you for surprise attacks. She even let me pass once when I found myself cornered. Good job. Took me a few tries but got past her, mostly because she has a tendency to just ignore whatever HP you have and instant-kill you. Not a fan of that.