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The Syreth Clan

A member registered Oct 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind words!

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Yeah, understandable; had a similar experience as well.

Thank you. Glad that it works on your system out of the box.

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Thank you very much for your kind words; I'm glad it works without additional tinkering.

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Now that the jam is over, what did we gleam from it? Did you learn something new? Did you enjoy the process? And will you continue working on the games if you haven't finished them already?

For me, this was my first ever game jam and while the 10 days were enough for far less things than I thought they'd be, I had fun with it; it was a nice change of pace working on blank sheets of code. As for Potion Pepper: a critical game design flaw I've noticed ended up to be the random piece generation being a little too random and rendered half of the power-up arsenal straight up counterproductive to use as the game would often fill up the empty spaces with more matches of pieces that the player would find unnecessary. I am not quiet sure on how I will go about fixing that, but I'm not abandoning the game, that is for sure.

Thank you for the opportunity!

Thank you, and well, if I didn't let you pick or choose freely it would be pretty difficult not to let the ingredient numbers average out would it not?

I'm extatic that it worked through WINE; I set ENIGMA to disable compiling for a sound engine given the game had no sound whatsoever, so I doubt any extras were necessary.

Indeed, the game checks the board on start. Generating without creating matches (or sabotaging them in post) will be something I'll try implementing if possible. Could help with alleviating some of the board clearing potion voes too.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

It's short but the graphics are absolutely beautiful. You really nailed the style of the original comics.

Thank you very much, I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Thank you for your kind words. The game engine I'm using is ENIGMA. As for the colors, I restricted my palette to 16 as per PC-98 standards. Seems like you somehow managed to invert the board tiles and add two more though, I'll look into that.

Current plan is a Match-3 crossover with the mobile game 'Potion Maker'. You make different kinds of potions to use to help you make better potions until you get the one you need for winning. As far as graphics: I'm aiming for a PC-98 style, so basically frames and dithering everywhere and there will be a character portrait on the side because it's not a PC-98 game if it doesn't have one.

Here's a mock-up I made just to test if I'll have enough space for the resolution. I think it might work.


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You know, when I first downloaded and played this I fully expected to just go through it once, mess around a little and then never play it again. But it's been about a week and I still return to it occasionally. I never really got why, had to think hard and replay the game again and again to figure out.

I got to take back the 'nothing unique' comment from my previous post there. I didn't think making an antagonist that would occasionally become docile towards you would add this much to the experience.  Add to that the fact that you can't really expect when she'll be hostile and when she'll be peaceful and you get an opponent that's not too predictable but not too random either. I think you could build on that, but you'll need more focus on Saiko being nice.

I guess it's because the whole concept of her matches my attitude towards the game. Saiko likes to mess around, I like to mess around, so we just mess around together. There is just a sense of aloofness to the whole thing, like neither of us takes the situation seriously.

So with that, here're a few bullet points of things I think this game absolutely needs:

  1. More of Saiko being nice to you (yandere):It's one of the selling points, and absolutely needs more focus to make it stand out. People should strive to get on her good side and in exchange Saiko could provide them with more rewards. Plus needing to go towards the thing you're so scared of is a lot more frightening than constantly running away from it (...I think).
    eg.: You could make her give the player keys, but the doorknobs might be wired to shock you. Or you could gather items around the school to give her as gifts so she will be less hostile to you.
  2. An options menu: You should put these into your game as soon as possible. Being able to adjust graphics settings, music,  volume, etc. from the game is a must.
  3. Sound readjusting: Tied to the previous one. You can't hear Saiko's voice from the sound effects and the music, only her occasional laugh. Tone down the volume on them.

You have something with potential on your hands, don't throw it away now.

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Spent a half an hour or so on the old 2.0 free demo to see how broken it is (surprisingly lot less than expected btw), it's exactly what it looks like: running around fleeing from an enemy a la Amnesia but from a literal walking stereotype with a bad case of 'facial animations on 200%' this time. About as cliché as you can make them.

Saiko does have some charming quirks though. Walking around the halls and seeing her (rather jitterishly) creep right behind your back in the moonlit floor for fun, her dragging you to a room and counting to ten or just playing peek-a-boo with her using the pillars was kind of cute. The scare factor was long vaporized already by that point anyway.

It's a nice 'Dev's First Unity Project' but other than that, nothing really interesting or unique here. Letalone scary. Small note, the project URL still says 'satuka', not 'sutoka' you might want to update that.

EDIT: Gave it a few more spins, Saiko has some surprising wits. She can flank you from corridoors, camp outside rooms for an ambush, and stalk you for surprise attacks. She even let me pass once when I found myself cornered. Good job. Took me a few tries but got past her, mostly because she has a tendency to just ignore whatever HP you have and instant-kill you. Not a fan of that.

Figured so.

Thank you for your feedback. Much of the major bugs you mentioned I'm aware of and have been patched or at least made somewhat less severe over the last few months prepping for SAGE (the walls are a lot taller now, the... weird flowerpot platforms have been replaced with bulkier floating islands etc).

As for aerial X attacks, a lot of people have been asking but I'm still trying to find out how to implement it in a way that would keep the gameplay balanced between offensive and evasive bits.

I do appreciate your feedback very much. Thank you.

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It's fantastic. The enemies are a bit tiny and hard to catch sometimes and the bounce attack needs some practice to get right but otherwise it all plays wonderfully.The soundtrack bops! The story, dialogue and others feel a little bloated, with the souls of other guardians giving you tips in a fairly drawn out death sequence. However you can skip those.

The only glitch I've noticed so far is the bat goo dripping on you lowering your HP without triggering a proper hit. Because of this your HP can technically go to the negative. Otherwise it's great. Been following this project for a while on GameJolt before I moved here and it was worth the wait (I'm even late to the party, apparently).

That worked, thank you so much.

Came here from Q550. Beautiful game with amazing soundtrack. Never really played these MegaMan type games before so it was decently difficult even in Easy mode.

One big problem is that double-pressing a key makes you dash towards that direction, which often results in you falling off the tiny platforms by accident so I appreciate Easy mode having added those extra platforms.

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Very clean, very polished in terms of graphics. Gameplay is super fluid too, albeit a slightly bigger shuriken would be better so they wouldn't keep barely missing those birds, but you can chalk that one down to just me being terrible.

The downside is the sound design. It sounds like it's trying too hard to be the stereotypical console retro with the buzzsaws and the overly bitcrushed voice. Let off the gas on that a little.

Otherwise it's great, can't wait for the full version.

Thank you very much for the feedback.

The slippery controls are something I've been receiving mixed opinions about indeed. Though it is hard to tell whether it is due to to being different - something you can get used to - or just poorly executed - something you can't. I have been experimenting with different settings as of late, might release multiple variants with different acceleration, speed and gravity values when the time comes.