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Thanks for reply :D

I'll wait for it

mine is a potato pc would it run that?(system requirements)

No worries! I’ll let you know when I’ve uploaded it. 

I reckon your PC should be right with it

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Hey was my comment the first in your game page

and my pc specs are intel pentium dual core 2.93ghz no gpu

and 4gb of ram

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I have just published a win32 build, give it a go and see if it works.

Thanks again for checking out my game.

**EDIT** Noticed another bug in the game so have uploaded an fixed version.

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Thanks for win32 build, i'll checkout and inform if it has any bugs. 

Is it for gamejam?

and sorry for my bad English in the conversation 

No worries, hope you enjoy it.

Yes, I created this as part of the GJL game parade jam.

I think you have a good grasp of English so no need to apologise