Is the game going to hinge on supporting capitalism? If not I'll probably just go. A future reliant on stripping people of their labor for the benefit of owners is not one I'll enjoy playing for and I'm tempted by the cute premise of the game but that utterly turns my stomache
Thanks for your interest in our game! From the phrasing of your second sentence, I'm a little confused about whether you are pro- or anti- capitalism, but I'm guessing it's the latter. Either way:
This is not a pro-capitalist game. Lucren represents a toxic part of the world that is driving it to ruin, just as Mesmeri and Mania represent toxic parts of their domains. While we used the framework of a dating sim (because, as you say, it's cute and funny), the primary purpose of the game is social commentary and critique.
However, we are not solely interested in judging capitalism (or communism) as good or bad. Rather, we wanted to tell a story that earnestly engages with people's desire for a better world, without denying the difficult reality that progression is a process and answers do not come easily.
I hope that answers your question!