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The interpretation of "one time use" into a game about a man who uses others for his own gain was an interesting one, and I enjoyed seeing how you chose to explore it. The graphics were probably my favorite part, as the simple pixel art and coloring gave it a really nice retro feel. I also think that the lack of background music emphasized the sober feel of the game. I think maybe some sort of sound for the characters' dialogue or the dialogue boxes could have added emphasis to the text, but I don't think the game was hurting without it!
My biggest critique of the game was actually addressed in another comment, in that the theme of the game felt a bit on the nose, but I also saw that you're already aware of it. Given you only had a couple hours to put everything together, and you had to write dialogue as you thought of it, though, I think you managed very well. I also realized on my second playthrough that NPCs had different things to say when you spoke to them again, and I immediately went around talking to each and every NPC I could reach to see what they had to say. It was a very nice touch!

I enjoyed the game overall. It was a nice, bite sized little game, conveyed what it wanted to convey, and had a really pleasing aesthetic. Excellent job!