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You fab to this, if you want to, I'm not gonna judge



not much of a funny one :)

(1 edit) (+6)(-7)

ur mom wasnt funny




Got em


Get trolled child


Cry all you want by downvoting me you ain't got nothing on me 



suck on deez balls in yo mouth

Silence, faggot.

Deleted 3 years ago


Y'all really got mad because of me just posting a harmless joke meme

Yeah I'm not even gonna comment anymore here y'all anime fans gotta chill...




The entire game was about a rapist being tortured by a demon(?) and it tells the story of a girl who committed suicide because of that trauma. You may have been just making a toilet joke and didn't mean it like that, but many people  won't see it that way. I think it's perfectly reasonable that people would be upset by your comment, I think you should've listened to why they thought it was harmful instead of just writing them off.