Starting off it's got a nice window theme that I find very pleasant and I like the font that was picked. It's easy to read and I appreciate that, having only one good eye to see with. The dialog is brief yet informative and never felt too wordy. The sound effects, music and general sound design all fit nicely to create a pleasant atmosphere. I like how getting items displays SE with a picture sprite fading away along with the show text not being obtrusive. Those little details really add to the overall polish, so well done with that aspect. I love the inventory/companion menu, it looks great. The sprites are very cute and the tileset is beautiful, I love the art style. Choices matter and there's more than one way to get to the end goal. This game has decent replay-ability which is a very good thing to have. I got the 'Oops' achievement and the 'Story Time' achievement. Great game, I can't say my score yet but it's a good one!