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I love the concept of this, it's pretty insane what you where able to pull off! and Full controller support as well. Few things

1. I think the First Proper boss is a little TOO hard, It was pretty hellish, It took me a bit to figure out how to damage it, and trying to keep track of the small adds, as well as dodge the Way too fast spikes was frustrating, then to be trolled into a Phase 2 when I have no health what so ever was a bit much. So maybe tweaking it down would be a bit better, or swapping it in for a more boss with a bit more ease, that or cut Phase 2 all together.

2. I know Boss 1 is suppose to be a damage sponge to get use to the controls, but giving it an attack or two would help teach the player to dodge and such.

3. This is an absolute Flex, and I love it! Keep it up! Might want to add a Quit option to the Stylish Menu.

That's it, Would love to see this Balanced and expanded upon. Insane you where able to do this in RPG Maker MZ, you guys took that Challenge and ran with it!


Hey! Super glad to hear that you like the game! And yeah, we did think about certain things like adding attacks to the first boss but time crunch became a big factor at the end. XD

As for the quit button, the main menu does have more options if you press left and right. You think I should make it so it's up and down instead? I'm unsure if we can update games after the game is submitted to the jam so I don't know if I can change that right now but I will for sure! :P


I think you should hold off on updating until after the Jam voting (We are doing the same for our game. We released it a few days early so we can get feedback and iron out bugs while we could before the deadline) But yeah up and down, cause with the Menu layout it looks like it would scroll up and down just like the options menu.

So I say start working on the patch, and release it post Jam voting.


I just hope that the menu thing doesn't cause issues for too many people but what's done is done for now at least. XD


Yeah, I don't think you can change it right now, but that'd be great for later! As my friend said this was amazing!  It really shows what can be done with RPG Maker MZ, and just how far this can be pushed! Great job again! I enjoyed it!


Thank you! Took a lot of work but I think in the end it was worth it!