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(1 edit)


I have more or less the same setup for my controller, only difference is that I am reading the serial (IBUS) signal instead of reading the PWM.  However, FPV Freerider does not recognize my arduino micro as a usb-device. Or something similar.. There is no stick response in the calibration setup. It used to work before, and works in other simulators (Velocidrone). It is also recognized as a USB-game controller in Windows, where all axis behave as expected.

Would love to this controller in FPV Freerider as well, as it runs a lot better on my lower end computer than other simulators. 

I have uninstalled vJoy and SmartPropoPlus which I used with an older audio trainer cable. 

Is there any other known fixes out there? Otherwise it would be great if there was an option for choosing which USB device to use for input, in case there are more devices connected

You could try uninstalling vJoy and SmartPropoPlus and see if that helps. They install a custom driver that sometimes conflicts when using a USB connected controller.

Thanks for the reply. To my knowledge I have already uninstalled both vJoy and SmartPropoPluss. 

Inwas wondering now if the problem is that I'm sending a 16bit value from my current Arduino receiver, instead of the more usual 8bit signal. Any ideas?


I can confirm that joystick values in 8-bit format works with FPV Freerider! I'm using a Joystick library from Heironimus, he has two versions, the older one works with this simulator. However, the channels "Throttle" and "Rudder" do not register in the calibration menu. Using for example Z-axis and X-rotation for throttle and yaw works. 

(3 edits)

Glad you got it working! Thanks for sharing the solution.

(Oh, and if my last reply seemed strange it's because I misread your last post, my brain didn't see that you had in fact already un-installed vJoy and Smartpropoplus)

Take a look on this commit:

It was done to improve compatibility and seems a solution for your issue. Reading your post i assume you don't need further explanation, but if you do than i'm glad to help, just open a issue on the git repo.