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(4 edits) (+1)

Are you talking about the Text Dialogue that explains that your a Dragon? or the Credits page, which describes my pesonal experience? if youre referring to the Dialogue, that's the "Story" and no there is no way to skip it, but I could implement that. If its the Credits pages, that explains my personal experience... hmm. that should only be visible if you press the Credits button. I had some trouble exporting the HTML build but it is up and running on the Page if you want to try it that way, and get to read the story... If the story is what you're referring to... then Sorry its annoying...?

Thanks for checking it out! And I plan on further developing it, cause yeah, right now the came is pretty random. The cards are slightly weighted to ensure you (usually) have a card youre able to play,  but yeah, there are a few Ideas i have to address that. Thanks for your feed back!

Edit: Upon rereading your comment, I understand you meant the story dialogue... I will work on a skip!

Edit 2: The cutscene is now skippable, by pressing X. :-)

*Other Edits: spelling and grammar... lol, probably still horrendous.