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I played through your whole game. It was an interesting story and I enjoyed the small puzzles you made. I'm a bit disappointed that there was only one battle though after going through so much dialogue. Some feedback:

  • Few graphical bugs like layering on the school desk and the monster being visible on the top left corner of the rotation puzzle
  • There's a tile collision bug on the rocks. It allows me to walk on tiles that should be blocked.
  • I like the foreshadowing of Leo during the class session. It reminds me of how Persona does this during the classroom cutscenes
  • On the rotation puzzle, I think it would be nice if you made a square outline cursor to hover over the pieces because it's somewhat hard to see when the character is directly on top
  • The first battle was difficult for a first battle. If you didn't make the right choices quickly, you could have easily died
  • I think Lucretia's remarks about Marion's crossdressing comes off a little offensive. It makes her look like a rude person asking that to a total stranger. Without any relevance to the plot, it seems like it was thrown in there as a bad joke

Overall, good job on your game! Since this is only chapter 1, I hope you continue to work on this and further develop the story!

Thank you so much for playing!

I really like that cursor idea for the rotation puzzle. Thanks for the tip.
I'm sorry you had a hard time with the battle. It was my first time actually creating one and I had a hard time trying to make it not too easy, but also not too hard. (The battle was also Plan B, since Plan A, a match 3 game, didn't work out)
As for the remarks, I can see why you say that, but they aren't total strangers. They've been attending the same classes and sleeping in the same dorm for teh past two months. Lucretia is just rubbish at remembering anyone's name that's not her friends'. So that's why she's a bit upset at first and she's not able to immediately let it go. I should probably rewrite it a little to make that a bit clearer.

Thank you! I'm definitely planning on continuing this. Chapter 2 is completely written and I have the broad plot points written for chapter 3.