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(10 edits)

Good try! It has a good core in terms of design, though there are some problems. It's hard to see how the theme ties into it, one shot to clear the tests is mostly flavour. I would have to say that having the control scheme appear after you've already moved a fair bit is not good, it'd be nice to have it up front and the right click to attack is only a one time thing and there's no attack animation for it either which was unfortunate.

Shift to Sprint is the norm, but since it's a speedrun, I feel like it should always be sprinting anyway. There's a few gripes with level design, it's always better to have more obvious markings like a consistant object or source of light to guide them, like a specific glowing crystal to act as a guidepost. (It's mostly linear, so it wasn't a problem and searching the perimeter usually found us the way, but in a dim setting like a cave, guideposts are important I feel.)

At the start, there were also crystals on either side of the walkway down at the start hid the path from the angle you approach it, the corner piece was in a dark spot so it was a little hard to tell first time round. (though I usually found my way in general, it's just a thing to note. Granted in a speedrun, the first run is a probe.)

Enemies have no attack animation and auto-kill you on touch, that aspect could have been polished I think. Their animation states are also interuppted once you touch them and they stop walking and slide towards you instead once you respawn.

The giant red sphere obscures our vision, at first I didn't know we could attack because when I tried it earlier there was no animation at all. Maybe the objectives needs to be more noticeable. I should point out that the red sphere was hard on the eyes too, just a area on the ground or even a more transparent, neutral foggy sphere would be better. (At first I thought the red sphere was to purposefully obscure our vision and we had  to run from the monsters and find a path) The rock spikes on the ground in that particular room have no collision as well.

The Puzzles are nice, though the one with attacking the orcs was the most disappointing one, since the right click to kill thing was a little uneventful. The platforms that were sometimes illusions was a bit frustrating, the jump's ending animation was a tad too slow to let us bounce between platforms with speed as well. But, I really liked the maze puzzle at the end, that camera shift to top was really cool!

SFX would have gone a long way to setting an atmosphere and making it more lively than just cave ambience, even just echoing footsteps would have been amazing.

Good try on the game! The puzzles were varied from each other and interesting. The foggy, dim but bright enough to see effect in the cave distance was also really nice. I think the enviroment was put together really well and seamlessly. My fastest time is around 2:28.

Excellent feedback, thanks. I will look into all these. Some things are a bit "choppy" due to time and being alone. But I am currently fixing many things. Thank you so much for your helpful feedaback :)