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(3 edits)

Great game! The assets and eviroment are very nice to look at, the sound is also great, though the main menu has none and there's no music, probably to emphasise the SFX. I really like the particle effects and the sound that goes with it, the charge SFX properly cuts off it you stop mid way, the particles for charging are nice too, the same can be said of the one panel in the first room that you hold to activate, the sound fades off midway properly which is nice polish.

However, there's a few problems. The Controls option in the pause doesn't work nor does the Reset Stage command with R. I do wish there was more effects for Dash and Force Push. There's also a double jump that's probably a bug, as it's super inconsistent. Green and Blue for the 1 use abilities is fine, but Yellow is had to tell from the Clear colour of a used ability.

In the first room, you would test all your abilities, probably, and then come up to the doorway blocked with cubes and not be able to use the ability. It's a lucky thing that crouching lets you push boxes with your gun mesh.

I also wish the platforming was more forgiving, as it requires alot of precise jumping and failures boot you with death, the platforms are usually too far apart and requires last moment jumping, it's precision makes it feel inflexible, at least, until you get very used to how the jumping works. 

The SFX for Robob shooting lasers is eternal, even when they're not shooting, even when they're firing a laser instead of projectiles, and even when they're dying and into the credits sequence, I've reproduced this by dying in the boss room while it was shooting, which is bound to happen to alot of people first time through. There's also the fact of why the Final boss even has a health bar when all I'm doing is standing still behind cover and firing this laser to kill it with no threat. If it was flashily exploding due to damage then it would fit, but it just felt a tad tedious.

Good looking game, nice sound design and particles, good assets and textures, Great job on the game!

Thank you for the detailed feedback! We tried to fix most of the issues you listed and hopefully resolve them by the next update.