Thanks for your thoughts on this! I have a clearer idea what you’re going for, now.
The clarification of adding “what your heart tells you” to both options does make it clearer what you’re going for! So it’s a good addition in that sense.
Still, as the World, I would feel uncomfortable answering the question, “What does Piotr’s heart tell him?” Especially because of the rule I linked in my last post, where the “player says what their PC does and says and thinks and feels” (emphasis mine). That is, this option in “Guidance” upsets the natural flow of the game, where the players tell you what their characters think and feel. That upset can happen here! It just feels weird, because it’s changing how we’ve played the game so far, up until this point, where everyone has so far been responsible for their own character’s thoughts and feelings.
If that upset is important to you, and that uncomfortable feeling is what you’re going for, you can leave it as is, of course. I’d just suggest that you recognize that this upsets one of the core rules of the game, and then design whatever you want accordingly.
Side note: I understand that the player gets to choose who tells them what’s in their heart. My discomfort with the second option of this move isn’t because the player doesn’t have a choice. The discomfort (as I described above), is that, as the World, I might be asked to tell another player what they think and feel.
EDIT: If you’re looking to introduce an external influence, what if you changed the second option to something like this:
The next person to speak up has a message from your deity; gain Advantage to do what they suggest
This happens often in Christian circles, at least. Someone will pray, “God, please send me a sign, what should I do?” and then someone will give exactly the guidance or help they were looking for. This change also means that the Priest decides what their heart is looking for: it’s looking for a sign! Whoever happens to speak up next could be anyone, for any reason–the Priest’s heart could just be interpreting the event as a sign from their god.
If you don’t like that the version above requires people, you can also go with something like this:
Describe where you look for a sign from your deity–someone else’s words or a feature in your surroundings. The World will describe what you see, and what it appears to mean. Gain Advantage to act on this sign.