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(2 edits) (+1)

That's some heavy title screen music, very metal.  Nice animations and I like how you zoom into a digitized google page, this game is cute.  The battle system is really good and the whole getting trapped in a cursed computer thing is very clever. I love this take on "Touch the Stars", very different and interesting. 

The music isn't bad but it gets repetitive fast and it's a little too intense at times. One person can only sustain sooo much double bass. :)  The battles take way too long and at some point you just have to turn off the sound because it's so overwhelming. 

There's an interesting progression system that grants permanent stat points upon winning in combat, but no actual level system. This is still a progression system and I like it.

Provoke should last for more than one round so that you can use the follow-up skill, counter. Otherwise, how it is now, counter is a useless waste of AP.

I like the ability to use your skills with AP or Stars, it's a pretty cool idea.

The game is actually very short, but the battles are incredible long and time consuming. It feels very padded and this is a big issue I have with this game. 

This game gets a lot right, but the artificial padding and making the battles soo long for no good reason really hurt the score. 

Good job with a unique battle system, I hope the numbers are balanced in the next version of it.

The long battles are a result of the mechanics. Gradually building up AP takes more turns than your average RM game but that's why I made the battle flow quicker and there's an option to speed up battle by holding the confirm key. Due to this, I opted for a less amount but longer battles approach, which naturally changed the level system to permanent stat boost so there's still a sense of progression for a short game. But from what you said, it seems like it backfired.

I agree and appreciate your feedback. Thanks for playing my game! :)

(1 edit)

How are you supposed to beat the box in the amazon warehouse? Everything you do deals 1 damage. It has like 100+ hp. It literally took 10 minutes to kill a box and all I did was hit it for 1 HP over and over again. That was a frustrating moment for me and I hope you look at that battle again, or make it a little more clear as to the correct approach on beating it. I find it hard to believe the intentional method is to bash it for 10 minutes dealing 1 hp at a time.

(1 edit) (+1)

You're supposed to use counter because it ignores defense.

You're right though. I could have added dialogue saying how difficult it was to attack it so the player took another approach to try to defeat it.