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The long battles are a result of the mechanics. Gradually building up AP takes more turns than your average RM game but that's why I made the battle flow quicker and there's an option to speed up battle by holding the confirm key. Due to this, I opted for a less amount but longer battles approach, which naturally changed the level system to permanent stat boost so there's still a sense of progression for a short game. But from what you said, it seems like it backfired.

I agree and appreciate your feedback. Thanks for playing my game! :)

(1 edit)

How are you supposed to beat the box in the amazon warehouse? Everything you do deals 1 damage. It has like 100+ hp. It literally took 10 minutes to kill a box and all I did was hit it for 1 HP over and over again. That was a frustrating moment for me and I hope you look at that battle again, or make it a little more clear as to the correct approach on beating it. I find it hard to believe the intentional method is to bash it for 10 minutes dealing 1 hp at a time.

(1 edit) (+1)

You're supposed to use counter because it ignores defense.

You're right though. I could have added dialogue saying how difficult it was to attack it so the player took another approach to try to defeat it.