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It's a great game, once you've understood the rules. 2 suggestions :

- I'd like to be able to keep the scimitar for myself ; even if i don't fight the merchant and buy the scimitar for 60 gold, I must give it back to the other merchant for 20 gold. It's really curious, for a barbarian. And in general it would be nice if cards could be quest rewards.

- maybe use a different name for items that disapear immediatly when used (sausage, baguette) and for items that don't (meat, bandages)

Thanks again, waiting for further development, and i'll surely buy the premium once the game is finished.


Thanks for the comments! Cards as a quest reward are indeed something I would like to implement in the next update.

Keeping the scimitar (and not giving it back to the shopkeeper) could be a nice option. The shopkeeper probably won't be happy with that so I guess there needs to be some kind of a downside.

like no hammer ? or higher prices ?

(1 edit)

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing: That the shopkeeper could charge a bit more because he feels screwed over.

in case the player gives the scimitar to shopkeeper, it could then be for sale after quest (maybe it's already the case in locked cards, i don't know)

Deleted 3 years ago

I wanted to let you know that I've implemented the option to keep the scimitar instead of giving it back to the shopkeeper. It's included in the next update.

Nice ! Otherwise it will be available in the shop ? Right now, I can't find it in shop, event in locked cards. you wrote it's available in the shop and then deleted the post, so it's not, right ?  I searched with both of my saves where i finished the quest with different endings.

Sorry for the confusion. The Scimitar card is not in the current version. Right now you only have the option to get some money from Cedric (the shopkeeper) by finishing the quest. However, the scimitar card will be added in the upcoming version, where it will be available in the shop if you give the weapon back to Cedric, or (if you keep the card) it will be added to your inventory and Cedric will be very angry.

Mh, nice ! Don't spoil what Cedric will do when angry :)

Good call. I did keep that Scimitar. :)