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would just transmute (without any arguments) work? sorry i'm still not super familiar with the systems of paradise so if that doesnt make any sense i apologize :P

Well, so `transmute` alone would make sense to remove your own attribute? And `transmute the cat` to remove the attribute of a visible vessel?

i thought you could only transmute the vessel that you currently are? if not that idea might not be the best....

Yeah, no. You can transmute things around you as well :) As in `transmute glass into gold`, will affect all visible glass vessels.

i think that feature might be broken? this is the state after i type "transmute cat into glass" 

(1 edit)

Oh, that's because `cat`(it's a vessel name) is not an attribute. I will clarify the reaction text.

the same thing happens if i have a gold cat and try to transmute gold into glass. is that what you mean?

Oh? Let me double check :)

Yup, it's broken.

I shall fix this.

Fixed :)