Note that this feedback is based on the build(s) available at the end of the jam.
There's something poetically wonderful about the juxtaposition between a rogue-like dungeon crawler (something I'm very familiar with) and the world of dance clubs, qties, and dabs (which still confuses me).
Woguey Wikey's hot pink levels populated by nerdies and jello shots remind me a little of the first time I played NetHack. Surrounded by characters, items and stats I didn't understand, it was up to me to explore, examine ,and experiment as I fumbled my way around its dungeons and learned to kick sinks. Woguey Wikey is far less complex, and I have a bit of rogue-like experience to fall back on this time, but its vernacular is entirely foreign and inscrutable to me in a way that is surprisingly exciting. What does style do? Will this ugly be friends with me? Why am I doing 80s dance moves after using vodka?
Interface-wise, I found myself wishing that the game handled keyboard input better and responded immediately to key-up events instead of processing queued key-repeat events. Running to the end of a hallway would often leave me bumping into a wall while a foe dabbed on me. Alternatively a shortcut to move in a given direction until hitting a wall or getting close to an enemy would be great.
My keyboard layout also doesn't have a '<' key (it's a secondary function on the ',' key), but that was easy enough to modify (suggested changes submitted via a pull request), and after that small tweak, I went on to be slain by a Daddy on the 5th floor.
If there's one thing that feels like it's missing from this game (other than being able to interact with corpses passed out clubbers), it's audio. A muffled doof beat could up the game's atmosphere by a lot, and effects like the clink of glass when drinking a shot would add icing to an already delicious and (in its own minimalist way) vibrant cake.
~Woguey Wikey~ isn't didn't make my list of top favourites from the jam, but it was on my shortlist and was very hard to take off.
Thanks for submitting and best of luck with the project! I'm super happy to see that you've continued with development :D