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A member registered Nov 08, 2014 · View creator page →

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No worries. Glad to hear you're up and running!

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Have you checked the "MacOS says the app is damaged!" section of the Technical Help section here on the Itch page? I have some suggestions that may help.

(1 edit)

Hi! Sorry to hear you're having trouble.

Can you give some more detail on what's happening? Are you seeing an error? Does the game start at all? Does it crash, or does it freeze up? Can you also tell me which downloads you have tried?

It'd be good to check whether the game has created a log (there are instructions on where to find it in the "Log, save, and config file locations" section here on the store page). If it has, could you email that to the address under the Technical Help section of the store page?

Hi again! I just wanted to follow up and check whether or not you'd sent through some more information. If you have, I haven't seen it arrive at this end. I would definitely like to be able to look into this, but currently, I am unable to reproduce the problem, so I don't have enough to go on.

Hi! Sorry to hear you're having trouble! Could you send a copy of a game log from a play session where this occurs to the address in the "Technical Support" section of the FAQ here on the game's page?

Just a quick note - you have your download marked as supporting Mac and Linux, but it's a Windows executable. You should untick the platforms you're not supporting.

No, the training all the images and metadata that the system has processed in order to build its models. It's how the system "knows" what "Ramirez from Highlander" means.

Are you certain it wasn't trained? I feel like you don't get the kind of almost-Sean-Connery or almost-handwriting in your cover image without using something that's been trained on Sean Connery and handwriting.

Oh, I completely forgot to touch on You also mentioned photobashing - if you weren't using stuff you created yourself, it's important to credit sources there as well.

I chose to not play this one, so I can't offer any feedback.

Regarding attribution/giving credit, given the rules of this jam and the intent behind it, there is a reason that we require participants to make all assets/content themselves unless it is existing Free/Open Culture licenced works. Signal boosting and celebrating the creations of people who have chosen to participate in the Free Software and Open Culture movements is important and valuable. We have disqualified submissions for making use of content that doesn't fit those requirements and/or for not providing proper credit/attribution.

With that in mind, I think it's reasonable to require that the authors and licences of all content that the machine learning synthesis platform you have used be credited as well. I understand that you may not be in a position to do this if you didn't train it yourself, and given that we didn't have explicit rules about AI/machine learning synthesised content, I'm not going to disqualify you here.

No worries ^_^

Your English is good enough for me! :D

If you've decided to embrace it intentionally, then that's valid! I feel that mechanic would be stronger if there were levels that benefit from "wall grabbing" - the ones that are there now don't offer a player much opportunity to use that effectively.

Best of luck!

You didn't make every effort possible to mention that site and the artists involved in the works you've used - you didn't even bother to mention that on the game's page as is explicitly required by the rules of this jam.

Looking at that site, it's very clear that there are some works hosted there that infringe upon the copyright of others and haven't yet received a DMCA takedown request. The onus is on you to prove that everything you have used has been licenced for that use by all copyright holders with stake in the work (not just the remix artist, and not just a website).

A) You haven't followed the requirements listed on that page, B) you seem to be using stuff that didn't come from there, C) there seem to be works on that site that are unlicenced derivatives - you would need to prove that you weren't using anything like that.

Glad to hear it's been a positive experience for you and in case it wasn't clear, I'm glad you were able to submit something too!

Best of luck!

The situation I've explained is not system-specific and will not vary for other users on other distributions. Since a focus of the jam is guiding participants toward engaging in best practices when supporting Linux, I'd love to invite you to explore this further and gain a better understanding of why it's relevant.

Firstly, if you to use a web browser to download your game from Itch on your Zorin OS install, you can confirm what kind of experience your users are going to have (if you save it to a drive mounted that automatically gives executable permissions to all files, which I've seen some people do for drives shared with Windows, be aware that that is not a typical or default configuration).

When you tested the game on your Linux distro, it would have had those executable permissions set one way or another. If it was the system you did your AppImage packaging on, then the file would have been given those permissions when it was created. You can verify right clicking the game's AppImage file in a file browser and viewing its properties (most file browsers' properties dialogs have a permissions tab), or by running ls -la in a terminal and looking for an "x" at in the 4th column of characters representing the different permissions flags that Unix style filesystems can hold.

The key thing here is that file permissions in general are not a part of the file itself. They're stored in the filesystem - as part of the data that tells your computer how to find and read files from the hard drive. Archive formats like zip or tar let us work around by keeping some metadata on file permissions inside the archive itself that the program doing the extracting can then use as a reference when creating the extracted file. The HTTP protocol doesn't include that information, so the browser doesn't know to give it anything but whatever the default permissions are on your filesystem (which I touched on earlier, but isn't really relevant here - if you want to read up on that, a good place to start would be over here).

Hope that sheds some light!

No worries! Good luck with tracking it down - if you need a hand, feel free to reach out.

No worries! Thanks for participating. I'm glad to hear it provided room for positive experiences :)

No probs! Thanks for sorting it out :)

Yep, I had audio! Not sure what the hurdle you've faced there is - I haven't heard of users encountering that with any of my Godot games. What audio server do you use? I'm running Pipewire here.

Oh cool, I'll make some time to check out those locations :)

No need to apologise

I'd be happy to read a post reflecting on your plans and experiences if you ever write one (Itch lets you write "devblog" posts for your project if you're super keen)

Brilliant! I've re-qualified your submission

Thanks, let us know!

All good! It's hard to cover everything on a short time frame even when you do have genre experience, IMO!

For this jam, we don't stop participants from uploading new builds. Typically, we ask people to upload new versions as separate files and leave their end-of-jam builds available during the rating period for context.

In this case, since it's about respecting licence conditions rather than updating the game, I think replacing the published version is the right thing to do. Go for it!

Oh, you exported it from Unity on Linux? Unity exports it with executable permissions. If you then copy it to a filesystem that doesn't support executable permissions, those permissions will be lost (eg: if you copy it across to a Windows environment and zip it up, no executable permissions, but if you zip it up on Linux and don't modify that zip on Windows, then they should be preserved). Hope that sheds some light!


Best of luck!

There's not much here to go on, but it lives up to its name - there are indeed a lot of shapes!

It seems like projectiles can hit each other, sometimes meaning you only shoot in two or three directions at a time. If your collision system lets you exclude objects from collision tests or has a collision layer/masking system, that might be worth looking into.

It would also be good to get the music looping seamlessly if possible.

I don't feel like a lose condition is necessary, but constraints of some kind would definitely make things feel more engaging.

So far as Linux compatibility goes, your game's binary didn't have executable permissions. If you are on Windows, you may want to consider setting up a Linux environment or using a tool like this one so that you can set the executable permissions that will allow your Linux users to run your game without having to fiddle with permissions themselves.

I felt like I was playing well - or at least as well as the game seemed to be allowing me to play, and I think it would be possible to halve the time it took to get to the end without sacrificing the sense of a long trudge toward excessive escalation. If I were making this game and working on emphasising how that builds up over time, I think I'd be looking at showing escalation on the enemy side over making the experience longer. Of course, this is your game, not mine!

I'm not sure if you caught my stream, but I was definitely talking about that aspect of not accomplishing anything/doing more harm than good. I don't think asking war enthusiasts to be critical about the stuff they fetishise is anything to apologise for! :D

Super glad to hear it's been a rewarding project to work on!

Right! After that false alarm, I've finally been able to sit down and spend some time with this one.

I played through to mission 3, but it requires two hand driers to be stolen when there is only one on the map (which gets stolen during mission 2). I understand that this is very much still a work in progress, and assume that the game hasn't really been developed past the second mission. The game's page mentions WIP teachers, but I didn't see any of those.

You mentioned in the game's description that you're not using time in some time-dependent calculations. If it's helpful, you can use SDL_GetTicks() or SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency() to calculate time deltas and use that as the basis for time-dependent calculations.

It might be worth looking at tweaking the music to loop properly. On a larger version of the game, it'd be good to switch music tracks between missions to avoid things getting too repetitive over time.

So far as the subject matter goes, I'm not familiar with the TikTok thing this is referencing, but it's very difficult to see stealing resources from educational institutions (which in my part of the world are generally underfunded) as cool.

It's always good to see submissions with sources. Good luck if you continue development!

(1 edit)

A stand-out submission this year. Great work on nailing your concept early and iterating on its core design in a bunch of interesting ways!

The game as a whole feels at once tight and focused while also taking the time to explore different expressions of the game's core gameplay.

It would be nice to have a reference for which powerups are which, and I found the countdown on some missions to be a little confusing since it's counting down something that's present in other levels, not the thing that's unique to that level.

As always, it's great to see submissions with source code.

Shipping the AppImage as a loose file means that it can't have exectuable permissions when downloaded. Your non-AppImage Linux build does have executable permissions, so I'm not going to mark you down on that, bit it's worth keeping in mind for future builds/projects.

(1 edit)

This is very cute! Well scoped for the jam, and presents a game with a start, a middle, and an end.

I enjoyed that each bunny has its own sprite with its own sense of character. I'd love to see some small hopping movements on the bunnies as they move about/follow the player.

I love what this game is doing, and would happily play a larger version. It's also great to see a submission with sources available!

Shipping a lose file means that exectuable permissions aren't preserved when downloading via HTTP/HTTPS. To give users the best experience, throwing that in a tar.gz or a zip would allow those to be preserved. If you are on Windows, you may want to consider setting up a Linux environment or using a tool like this one so that you can set the executable permissions that will allow your Linux users to run your game without having to fiddle with permissions themselves.

(1 edit)

Up front, I am not the audience for this game. It runs against my tastes on a bunch of axes. That said, I understand that this conforms to a number of genre conventions where the stuff that I don't appreciate is expected. I don't feel like it's really fair for me to criticise the game for being what it is trying to be.

I feel like a little more variation in grass and doodads (furniture, etc.) would help relieve some of the game's monotony. It would also be nice if the pause menu came up faster - taking long enough that I start to question whether I've pressed escape twice or not makes it difficult for me to not feel like the game's wasting my time.

I played long enough to collect 8 bears and moved on after that. Assuming there's an ending, good work and congratulations on putting together something complete!

Shipping a lose file means that exectuable permissions aren't preserved when downloading via HTTP/HTTPS. To give users the best experience, throwing that in a tar.gz or a zip would allow those to be preserved. If you are on Windows, you may want to consider setting up a Linux environment or using a tool like this one so that you can set the executable permissions that will allow your Linux users to run your game without having to fiddle with permissions themselves.

This was easily one of my favourite submissions this year!

It took me a little bit to trigger the first interaction, but once I did, this was exciting and compelling right up to the abrupt ending.

The IRC interface gives cool space to present concurrent narrative contexts and do non-linear worldbuilding. It's novel and very neat. Outside of the presentation, I found this to be well written and engaging beyond my expectations.

Early on, yaping did not mention bay 9 in response tome asking about "unusual," but I'm uncertain of whether that's because that message landed between two of yaping's, or because I hadn't yet interrogated the maintenance bot to learn about bay 9 independently (at that point, I feel like I should have been able to ask yaping about bay 9 without having to first ask about "unusual").

I'd love to explore more of this story!

Shipping a lose file means that exectuable permissions aren't preserved when downloading via HTTP/HTTPS. To give users the best experience, throwing that in a tar.gz or a zip would allow those to be preserved.

There's not a lot to go on here, but it seems like a good start for an hour's worth of work.

I feel like speed increasing slowly over time could make the experience of playing more interesting without increasing the scope beyond what's here.

This was interesting! I dig the idea of a platformer with platforms that shift and align in this way.

When playing for a long time, the music track didn't loop, and attack as down is very uncomfortable for my hands, so I wasn't able to spend a lot of time with the game in the end.

I'm uncertain of whether the game is intended to be endless or whether it has an ending. Comments on the game page seem to suggest it does - in which case, good work!

Shipping your binary as a loose file means that it doesn't have executable permissions when downloaded - something that is needed in order for a file to be run on Linux. A zip archive can hold these permissions. If you are on Windows, you may want to consider setting up a Linux environment or using a tool like this one so that you can set the executable permissions that will allow your Linux users to run your game without having to fiddle with permissions themselves.

This is one of my favourite submissions from this year! I really enjoy the gameplay of trying to come up with a burn that gives an appropriate trajectory while still leaving enough fuel for adjustments. The messages were fun, and I appreciated the reference to Dorian's Door Emporium.

I feel like the game could do with more introduction to or feedback on gravitational influence/fuel usage. I think the large circles around planets are intended to indicate a planet's gravitational influence, but player need to deal with that before they reach a planet, and the starting area doesn't have that kind of indicator.

I feel like the core game would be stronger if players could infinitely refuel at a planet. This would allow for multiple launch attempts, and for stopping by an already-visited planet en route to elsewhere.

Great to see sources as always.

This was nicely scoped for a jam. Though the levels are much more simple and self-contained, I feel like there's some good variation in the movements that the player is being asked to do across the game.

The way the physics engine is used is a little rough around the edges - the player passes slightly into level the floor/ceiling/platforms when landing, and getting stuck on walls when pressing against them while falling feels like it works against the kind of experience that the game is trying to convey.

Short and sweet, and it's always nice to see a submission with sources!

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Although I don't speak Spanish, I can recognise that a lot of work went into this game. I was surprised by its scope and can understand why (as is stated in the game's description) translating it had become too big a task to squeeze into the jam.

Unfortunately, I can't offer any feedback on the game's narrative or writing, but the character art and backgrounds were good. The music is fun, but becomes very repetitive given how large the game is.

It's obvious that there's a lot of content here, and looking at the gd folder in the game's repo, it's clear that the game was planned out and structured with intent.

So far as I was able to tell, the game seems complete (with multiple endings?). Great work on executing your plans!

Shipping a lose file means that exectuable permissions aren't preserved when downloading via HTTP/HTTPS. To give users the best experience, throwing that in a tar.gz or a zip would allow those to be preserved.