K, I have some game design thoughts and some religion thoughts, which are separate. I’m putting the game design thoughts at the beginning, since they’re relevant to the actual subject of feedback here. :) The religion thoughts are just context and interesting to me, feel free to ignore them if you like!
Game design thoughts:
Initially it was like this. It got changed because it simply did not work as intended.
This is really interesting! Do you remember what went wrong with it? I’ve been trying to think of ways this could not work as intended, and I can’t think of any. I’m really curious.
What you do is your choice, your responsibility. The character may believe otherwise. But the Player has to know this without a doubt.
I know some people like to separate player and character knowledge (it seems like you do, for instance!), but at my tables, player and character knowledge are virtually the same, or as close as they can be. Mainly: If the players know something at my table, the characters know it too, or at least are allowed to know. The Angry GM summarizes my thoughts on why I do this really well, if you’re interested.
The Priest playbook–specifically this part, that asks the Priest to believe their deity exists when the player knows they don’t–is the only part in Fantasy World that requires the player to separate their knowledge from their character. If that’s your design goal (to require the player and character to separate their knowledge), then that’s fine! It’s a design I would definitely change before I played Fantasy World, mainly because of my aforementioned table rule. But, some people will definitely like it–that is, the people who enjoy separating player and character knowledge.
Thoughts on religion, belief, faith, and doubt: (for context only)
I mean, WHAT IF there was no judeo-christian-islamic God? Would the whole religion be invalid? Its teachings and morality devoid of value and meaning?
To the second and third questions, I would answer: absolutely yes.
I think theology (the study of god, right?) is a search for truth: Does a god exist or not? If one or more does exist, what are they like?
I think religion is the systems and rules that people make, based on their beliefs about the truths about god. As in, I think religion is based on some sort of theology. If the theology that a religion is based on is somehow (not sure this is possible?) demonstrably shown to be false, then the religion itself would have no basis. Many of its teachings may be good ideas, but they would have to find another foundation to base themselves on, if the god they were based on actually doesn’t exist.
The existence of God has always been a false problem. The true questions is: do you believe that the rules and doctrines you follow are good and just in and of themselves? Are they making the world a better place EVEN IF by chance there is no Heaven and Hell?
These questions are based on the assumption that “we should be making the world a better place” (whatever “better” means–many people don’t agree! but that’s a much longer discussion and out of scope here, I think). Many religions come to the conclusion that we should be making the world a better place (for some definition of the world “better”), but they are not based in that assumption: they are based in the assumption that some theology–that is, some set of beliefs about god–are true.
This is all super interesting to me, but I don’t know if the Fantasy World forum is the best place to have a discussion on religion! (Let me know if you disagree, and I’m happy to continue it here.) If you’d like to continue this discussion in private, feel free to use the email under the Contact section for any of my games, or direct me anywhere else you like. :)
Otherwise, it seems like we have different ideas about religion, and that’s okay! Hopefully my game design thoughts and general perspective were helpful. Thank you for sharing all of your perspectives with me!