Wow, yeah, that Wikipedia page is really short. XD I found this page, which lays out in more detail what I’m thinking of.
Also, as far as Wikipedia pages go, High fantasy is another fantasy type that interests me, and its page is much longer and more detailed.
The thing that ties them together for me, is that, in these stories, the antagonist is usually “evil”–greedy, cruel, arrogant, power-hungry, etc.–if not to their core, then at least in their choices and actions. The protagonists can then work together to make the world a better place. It doesn’t seem like that’s what Fantasy World is going for, and that’s a good thing! No game can capture the entire fantasy genre. :D
(No, I haven’t played FW yet. I read and study every game I bring to my table very thoroughly before I introduce it to my players. I noticed some typos and things I didn’t understand when I was reading through FW thoroughly for the first time, which is why I started reporting them to you here. I’m still studying FW.)