Hey Naughty Sparkle, thanks a lot for your feedback.
Here's the thing: the "name" of the Speedrunner background is completely incidental: it's an excuse to goof off. There's a lot of ideas we have for the game that end up not making the cut, but we felt like throwing in anyway. Since backgrounds are something that players pick at the very start of the game, it's a good excuse to make a separate playthrough that doesn't take the game too seriously.
Think of it like the Wild Wasteland perk in Fallout New Vegas: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Wild_Wasteland
Why did we go with speedrunner for the actual "profession" to give the player character for this background? I don't know, we just found it goofy. Jokes aside, speedrunning is really enjoyable to watch, both glitch runs that break the game apart and offer insight on how some aspects of the game were put together, or glitchless runs that breeze through games the way they were intended to be played as fast as possible. Shit, I've done speedruns myself on stream for friends. I don't think it's a hobby that is worthy of mockery.
So, yes, like you said, someone with experience with breaking systems apart and exploiting flaws in programming logic would probably do amazing as Master of the hotel- had we decided to take the background seriously.
Honestly, I came up with the player backgrounds idea very, very early in development and it's one of the few regrets I have with Minotaur Hotel. Out of the six backgrounds, four of them expect the player to have some sort of tertiary education, one of them flat out makes you Chad Thundercock, and the last one makes you kind of an idiot with no sense of object permanence. We could have used one or two more relatable options for average joes. I don't think I considered it at the time because I was thinking of gameplay utility first- I don't know a lot of people that are actual mathematicians, but Math makes perfect sense as a background for a gameplay perk that lets players see extra in-game variables and optimize their teams better.
In any case, we mellowed out a lot around 0.3 and decided to be more sympathetic and less mean when writing for this background. You can be a cringelord that makes crayola model magic medallions and thinks the best thing to show Asterion the moment you get internet access is Nostalgia Critic compilation videos, and still earn his heart.