Thank you! It's a good feature to have for those who like to stream things. Most Furry VN readers on YouTube usually read them pre-recorded and edit/censor things to keep it within ToS. However, a feature like this makes editing much easier.
Recent community posts
With permission from Rebyc, I uploaded this as an emote for Twitch on BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ for anyone to add to their channel for their audiences to use.
I'm very excited to get to meet Pat, Arthur and Ernest! Love these character sheets. The vignettes sound like a great idea to introduce more background on the characters without trying to force it into a main stories if it doesn't flow with the rest of the content. And the memories seem like an excellent way to include more fun raunchy sexcapades without having to worry too much about set ups and pay offs other than to make the reader cum.
An update: Twitch streamer Kenastion got a notification from Twitch stating that parts of his stream that use the song Kora Duet were muted. This wasn't a copyright strike, more like a preemptive action on Twitch's part to prevent the VoD from being susceptible to a DMCA takedown request should the copyright holder every try to issue one. It's an odd CYA thing on Twitch's part.
Frostbyte over on Stream created an Achievement guide:
You need to find a hidden cove inside the cave in the forest. Calen will comment that he hears voices when you're near it. Listen to them talk repeatedly in the diamond hole until Drok'tar mentions he'll there's a good bakery in town. He'll show up in the bakery, talk to him until he'll mention he's going to the store for supplies. Drok'tar will then be in the merchant's store next door, talk to him again until he'll mention he's going to the tavern. Talk to him in the tavern. The next time you revisit the hidden cove in the cave, you'll see Drok'tar's scene.