Although you might have "ripped off" the game "I am on observation duty", your game was a million times better. It was actually scary and put you on edge, unlike observation duty. This game was a lot more professional, the UI was lightyears ahead of observation duty. You sir, did a WONDERFULLLL job, very good game, pls add more. If the game had more re-playability and more overall content, I would definitely invest into this. 10/10 would recommend. <3
"I am on observation duty" may have come out three years ago, but the UI would have been bad 3 years ago. These games aren't using the kind of graphics that are affected by 3 years of technical progress. This game just has better graphic design on it's UI layout and and camera animations. These are things that were possible and common 3 years ago. "I am on observation duty" is clearly a developers early game and it just wasn't as polished as this one was. No reason to get upset.