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We have another great game for the LTRO-1 console here! I liked in all of this aspects (I want that boss music :O ), so I can say the things I didn’t like so much. It’s the collectables of the game. I think we have the coins, keys and hearts. I saw only one heart in the whole game ( I think ), I don’t know what the coins mean (points, maybe?) and also the keys are…weird. You can visit a place, solving a hard platforming challenge and you need to backtrack because you need a key. Also, I didn’t manage to open the treasure box on my first playthrough and only on my second one I found a key, went to the exit, managing I had a wrong key and going back to the treasure, getting the gold key and finally beat the boss. So yes, you should think more on the worst outcomes sometimes since it happened to me to have that :D

Thanks for the input! I should have made the keys more clear. I intend on making the full game into a dungeon crawler/vania game. I was trying to have as little prompting from me as possible. I really wanted to make the entire game without any language in it at all, but crunch time slowed me down.

I don't think the backtracking is necessarily bad, just I should have conveyed that it was a possibility. Maybe a sign in the first room that says find the keys?

Oh shoot, ok so the coins. For the final version of the game you're going to be able to buy upgrades for your staff, and for mounts. For this one I just put in 94 coins, 1994 was THE YEAR for SNES which is my biggest inspiration for most of the work I do. I wanted to incorporate spending the coins, but again, 2 weeks was crazy. I can't believe I got as much done as I did. 

Again, thanks for the critique, it's super important to me :)