So I assume with all the health cases being empty, you'd be one hit away from death? I did consider making the hearts red but I wanted the enemies to stand out against everything else and if the hearts were also red, they would be competing. I also assume that health could then be purchased?
I agree that taking damage happens very quickly, and definitely needs slowing down. The reason it's so fast is because it's in sync with the demon chomp animation, so in order to slow down the attack speed, I'd have had to make more animation frames which I didn't have the energy to do! If I were to just slow the animation down, that would have required some frames to be faster than others (e.g. the biting down frame would have to be much faster).
I'm really glad to hear that the hit feedback was good, I have taken note and will ensure to carry it through to the next version, whether that be the next release, or an entirely new game using this as a starting point.
Thank you so much, I will definitely be in contact!