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(1 edit)

Solid entry! to see a 3D game was awesome, and the character art was extremely cool! I was able to clear it first try and noticed a few things.

A) the rocket doods didnt really want to contest points, so once I kill the sword doods, the rocket doods just stood close to the point. this let me die and respawn without losing point A

B) you can buy upgrades again if you run to the start, but I dont think upgrades do anything the second time. 

C) The damage upgrade didn't seem to make a difference against sword and rocket doods still took crit + 1 to kill them, and I had the upgrade when the minis showed up. 

Something to note is how much enemy variety you got in such a short time, 3 very different enemys, while the minis had the same behavior as swords I still had to approach them differently as the minis would be on me FAST, while swordies didnt affect my stand and shoot mentality. so great work there.

Over all Good entry!


Thanks for playing! The rocket dudes were actually set up to seek high ground and spam you from there. I never got around to finishing squad behaviour, but they were supposed to eventually contest after all melee enemies were down. There are also actually 3 upgrade shops - The one on the high ground left of the enemy spawn may have been a bit hidden haha. They stack, it's just not super extreme. The damage upgrade is also a bit of an invest - it does end up one-shotting melee enemies with all 3 acquired. The balance is def a bit (very) wonky though.
Again, thanks for playing and commenting!