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A member registered Mar 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Having a cutscene is based

Really cool entry, I accidentally shot the fox instantly cause I wanted to look at the fox up close. Whoops

My only real notes is that the wait time to start the run is soooo slow, would be nice if you could click to speed the messages along. 

Also was confused cause I thought the game was flipping 1 coin, but I was flipping 2? maybe because I looked at the fireplace? wasnt to sure!

Good work

Really cool entry, loved the mechanics and concept the most. I really like the idea of having units who actions are contextual and you need to adapt to what context they are in. Its easy to imagine a full on game with classes stats and all sorts of systems for me which is exciting!

A few rough edges in this game I found tho overall, but its a game jam so like, rough edges are expected and making something like this for a jam is great as is. Still my notes:

- When you first play, you have no idea what the coin choice really means. I assume that coin selection planned to preview the faces, so a minor issue, and once you learn what a class is its a cool choice for starting.

- My first fight didnt include the 1 v 1 very often, so I would basically lose for sure. The game is really hard to win at a number disadvantage (in later fights you have the advantage so it becomes almost too easy instead, perhaps upgrading a set amount of coins would have been more exciting then getting more, or the enemy always match you in coin amount and got harder in other ways)

- Sometimes my coins would be fine and I would just need to sit for the full time, would be nice to end the turn early.

- Only reason I learned about aiming was when I read the instructions, would be nice if there was an arrow under coins to show you the direction they will fly.

- Others mentioned it but 100 HP is sooo much, the fights drag on for a while. Especially since you cant line up everyone to blast someone easily because the coins flying away means they will be moving constantly. 

- Felt like reds were intended to be melee, but they missed alot when too close. Greens were the melee fighters funnily enough, felt a bit odd.

Thats all my notes, the game was still fun got up to 6 coins after that you kinda auto win.

The game feels like there is alot of potential in the idea, and I found myself feeling great once I had 3-5 coins in the right place, so once you get past the first 2 fights the game starts clicking and being really fun. The colored rims helped alot with clarity too! 

Great work

whoops that's a forgotten debug key haha 

Thanks! it was 4 different artists for the player models:

Triple Cubes, Blank Slate, 30fps, Murgen all made 1 (or in Cubes case 3!)

Lexi made the monster model. JJ/Hotnoggin made the Table, and Crazed monkey made the cool Lamp.

Thanks for playing!

Drawing cute fox girl is absolutely peak game jamming motivation!

Great work 

Apologize for all the words, I will also include a TLDR.

This is a really sick entry so all feedback I give will have the caviate of "but considering this is a jam game, like its hard to find time during the rush haha"

This game very much leans into the gambling side of coins but in very Balatro way where you kind of upgrade your scoring methods to try and score more. My best was 15000 on a really really good hand.

I did find a strat that consistently can get you to the end of the game, which was to always take coin upgrades and bet everything on one face. This very rarely failed for me since the scores required to win wasn't to largest. Reflips didn't feel necessary to upgrade since it would take so long to make coins individually. Since you could just flip another coin for the same effect, and luck can never invalidate more coins.

What I mean about that is that new coins and reflips are basically identical. They give you a chance to get a *hit* and the hit has the same odds 50/50. But if you take reflips and you hit perfectly, then left over reflips are burned.

Looking at the other comments and it seems there is value in using reflips to fix combos, but as it stands the game never requires you to get combos to win. Not inherently a problem but something worth considering is that if a games difficulty doesn't require you to understand a mechanic, players wont use it or see need for it.

I do think having this game be a highscore chaser is very very smart. It kind of addresses the above issues in some ways. Reflips help you get combos, however their is the problem that in a "optimal run" for max possible score, reflips are still not great since they lower your score potential for consistency. Which isnt bad! if this was more so a long form game or something multiplayer where you compare scores it would work super well I think, so there is alot of really smart design at play here!

This was alot of fun, and as mentioned my best was 15k on a hand of like 12 coins all heads at like 100-200 points or something. Was wild and definitely gave me that gamblers high hehe.

Presentation wise the game is sooo cute, would love for there to be sounds and animation on the dealer. The game had really great clarity, I was able to learn how to play and what was going on super fast and intuitively.

Real great work all around!

TLDR game was great:

- Great gambling feel
- Progression was satisfying
- Game is a bit to easy to beat, made me not need to care about the combo system which invalidated reflips as a upgrade.
- A "Optimal score build" also doesn't need reflips since for a perfect score you kind of need to assume all heads anyways and gamble on that.
- The above notes just are part of a whole of the upgrades felt very linear, more coins / more points were the best always.
- Art is wonderful and there is lots of clarity!
- Game is easy to understand and get involved in, I learned if fast.

Sorry again for being so wordy about 1 or 2 points haha

Oh damn, never considered showing the player attack radius for some reason, I did so with the enemy so could do so with the player haha. Good catch.
You were really close to the end, the monster has 80 hits, so great work there. 

Gotta have lap :nod:

Here be my feedback!

Tldr: everything is really solid, great even, but you don't spend enough time at the fun speeds, you are stuck slow for too long, and hit too fast too fast. Also I didn't look at the UI like at all for the most part during gameplay past 300 speed other then to check what speed I was for writing this.

The visuals are very professional for a jam game the ui, assets, textures, and effects are all fantastic. There is very little to say against the quality. What I will say is that the UI is very hard to read at high speeds, it tends to swing around (which looks nice in a diegetic element so for style it is nice) It leads to me ignoring the UI entirely for the most part. Not really that bad since it is not very important and nothing on the UI would influence my choices, since the in-game effects help you understand you have a shield. So while it looks nice it doesn’t help me in the moment to moment, and I could see some people finding it distracting for the UI that you only really care about when things slow down again. A more minimal UI could suffice, since at the high speeds you really need to be locked in. The UI is Great for telling the player “the shield caps at 3 stacks” while you build shield early on, while the game is still slow. This is all to say that the UI as a style element is great, I don’t think it needs to be changed but functionally it is hard to utilize while playing. 

The gameplay was very intuitive since it's pretty simple as well. Picking up on it very fast, the slow build up of speed gives you lots of time to figure out the controls the first time. The movement at first felt very jerky, but it became clear that this is because it needs to be when you hit max speed. Admittedly not an easy problem to fix, since you would want some sort of adaptive lane switch speed based on the current movement speed which might result in inconsistent feeling controls instead. It works great at top speed, but makes the game feel a lot more odd and less natural when at low speeds.

I felt that the build of speed could use a bit of work. 

You start off super slow. 150 is sluggish, great for learning, but starts to feel really painful when you are used to the game and just want to get back speed after you mess up. 250-400 is when it feels pretty nice, not to hard not too easy 400-600 is when it feels great and where you might die if you're too slow. 700+ feels like end game tetris where you are designed to lose. Which in a score based game is great actually, means that there will be a cap when you stop and you won't just get bored grinding a infinite score.

These values are kinda good on their own, but from start to finish you get 10 per hoop. Meaning that between 150-250 you're just sluggish till you get 10, then 15 it feels fine, then 20 it feels good, then you often just die instantly. In the 700 ranges I would often need to move all the way to the right and the move speed wasn't enough it felt (that or my reaction time is just bad which maybe), Plus at the speed somethings just seeing the future hoops is hard with the camera angle.

Imo what might help a lot with this feeling would be the speed up decreasing overtime (the scoring can stay linear). So from the numbers could hypothetically be: 150 - 300 it goes up 30 per hoop. 300 - 500 can be 20 per loop.

500+ can be 5 per hoop. You'll stay in the sweet hard zone longer, stay out of the sluggish zone for too long, and still hit the “death zone”. This would probably be my biggest suggestion. 

There is not too much else to say since everything is really solid, the feel, visuals, music, and gameplay are all really good. Just feels like the “fun speed” only lasts for a short time, while the slow parts or the too fast parts last longer. That's my thoughts! Really fantastic entry, the above is just my thoughts spoken without much consideration for “its a jam game” so I understand that a lot of this is just “there wasn't time” since there never really is hehe and what you have here is great work!

Did also find a bug where I was invincible at 1k speed so I guess my final score was infinity hehe

Yeeeeah not going to lie my fingers hurt while testing ;-;

glad you seemed to enjoy it!

Interesting was the aim hehe

The visuals are super professional the UI is so clean good job dood.

I could not figure out how to get water, Interacting with the water did not seem to work for me if that is it. The chain to get to the end seemed pretty flexible with multiple routes but it was hard to keep it all in my head.

Something I would think would be very nice for this is some sort of timer to show how long each day/night is in the top right. Given the quality of the art and everything you included I can see how there would not be much time for that tho.

Great stuff again!

The visuals are really nice in game and the destruction physics are really cool to see in a jam game!

Some things that definetly could use a touch up is the movement and UI scaling. 

Movement was painfully slow for me, it made running to grab an object just kind of a drag.

In unity I recommend always setting Canvas Scaler to Scale with screen size for jam games, it tends to be alot more consistent at making the UI fit different resolutions!

Again the characters design and the in game art was delightful, and I think this would have felt alot better with those two changes. Great work for a short jam!

Fantastic visuals and lots of area variety too! full animations in a jam are not easy to do so well done. Plus characters were peak designs, loved em.

You also as far as I can tell passed that "coyote time" check so ggs haha. Overall movement was pretty satisfying.

Was an interesting take on the theme, things both got more hectic *and* you physically needed to climb higher and higher which was a cool take on the limitation!

I will say the movement system felt like it was built for another type of level design at times, in that it felt very momentum based, starting to move was almost sonic-esc in its speed, but you used it to go up rather then forward. There was almost never a time where I got to maintain the higher speed. It did end up making me need to plan my jumps more carefully and make sure I had enough space to run up (and slow down so I dont fall off because of the momentum) so this is arguably not that big of a deal but just my thoughts! I think since this was a game about going upwards, more tools to help with that might have been nice, ie a double jump or maybe some form of charge jump (crouch then jump to jump higher). 

That is all disregarding the fact that 3 days is not alot of time and what you do have is fantastic great work!

Really sick entry, its cute and is a really impressive entry on a technical side.

It was cool to have a variety of Cat types, it added a fun element, and rotating around the map does let you get better angles. I did find for the fast cat it was really hard to tell what angle they would shoot out at. The other cats felt a bit better about that imo.

I also noticed that if you win with your last cat it still seems to count as a defeat, a bit of a unfortunate edge case there. So that and having the aim feel a bit more consistent would be nice.

Overall really nice entry with great visuals and fun gameplay, and great work for 3 days!

Cool to see yall update! I definitely do like the UI more now personally haha. Great stuff!

thanks for playing!

If it's 9 demon dogs out of 10, where is the last one hehe

CONGRATS! not many people are said to have beaten it yet. So exciting to see someone else do it haha.

Would love to keep working on it, but got other things I gotta work on first. But it's definetly gonna be high up in my project ideas.

Thanks for playing and enjoying the game so much you took the time to beat it!

Really fun game, the sonic vibes in the level start and end screen are super fun!

I think you said in the Discord at one point "depth perception hard" or something to that nature and gotta say, yeah I feel that haha, was alot of fun and the shadow was very helpful at times. Momentum gameplay was great too, but took me a hot minute to learn there was a dash (I didnt read the description and went right in), would be nice if there was some indication on what buttons I need to use hehe, but other then a bit of learning it was alot of fun.

Visuals were very enjoyable and the music was pretty interesting. Is it weird that the game made me think of De Blob? just the vibes, colors, oil, playing as a ball.

Had lots of fun I think my winning run was a C rank.

Great work on this game

I did have fun! :3

I wouldnt call it a mess haha, the UI does do its purpose afterall! and in a jam thats often enough. Good work on the game

That nature of jams, theres gonna be questionable design decisions for sure lol. Game was alot of fun, and honestly capping the Maps/Axes is a good call otherwise the late game would be 100% fishing for those so makes sense!

Falling sand simulation? absolutely peak great job. Really reminded me of Little big planet bomb survivals, really brought me back. Want the biggest into the font choice, and the number over the helicopter felt a bit weird? it did help avoid dying for the most part so its good. 
Great stuff for a jam, good stuff

Quite the Submission.

I really wish WASD or arrow keys could move you instead, the clicking wasn't the nicest way to move all those tiles. It was kinda neat to discover the "you can drop bombs in the fog strat".  Wasn't expecting a maze game really was convinced it would be more Puzzle heavy, haha. Good stuff!

Cute game, enjoy playing it. I found it hard to tell if I was next to a tree in the late game, maybe having the grid be slightly visible would help with that? I also accidentally skipped the score screen since I was spamming space to chop. Other then that I had a pretty fun and smooth time. Great work!

Enjoyed my time with this, some balance work would probably help, the stone throwers felt like they had infinite range, I spent my time running around gathering resources to build more. On wave 15 enemies just stopped spawning completely, I think I could have gone forever with my army of stone throwers, but it was enjoyable to watch them melt everything everywhere. Wasn't sure if this was an intentional stop but took it as if I had beaten it.

Something with the UI was that it was a bit much to need to scan every edge of the screen, bottom to see what I was selecting, top to see what I had, right to see tower details. I think the UI could use some streamlining so that you can see some of those things together. This is an option to have things in 1 place, would minimize looking all around the screen to get all the info you need, just my thought. 
The Ui does its job already, but this is just a fun thing to keep in mind for UI.

Overall it was enjoyable and there is a good chunk here for a jam game, great work yall!

Thanks! I am glad the feeling was captured! 
I could totally see how that would be disorienting 

Heyo really fun game, did about 5 rounds.

First round died fast as I figured things out, wasnt too hard but game opened up when I realized the board will always have the same things on it as long as you have less than 25 items total. 

Second round I got to round 14 iirc, buy lots of stuff and my board became a mess.

Third round I realized that fire crackers and bombs were basically completely dead space and started only grabbing ores early to help me afford better bombs. Fire Crackers and Bombs being deadspace definitely started to hurt and I tried to beat round 20, as I found the biggest factor in runs was Shop RNG.

Forth round Decided to record incase I hit round 20 (I did not, forgive the shit audio)

Round 5 I was going very greedy always buying maps and pickaxes (imo the above round was killed by not getting any pickaxes/maps, I was convinced that it was capped honestly) then I hit a game breaking bug! if you run out of hits on a empty board and have 0 spins you are locked. Basically I got greedy saved a extra hit for my last spin and then got a lucky board clear. Since I had no spins but had a hit left I was soft locked, rip run (was a bad one anyways)

Really great game, going for high round runs is alot of fun, but shop RNG makes it alot harder considering you eventually only want nukes, diamonds (or emeralds if you must), pickaxes, and maps. Buying anything else is wasted. There was a really fun aspect of "I am now on round 14, I need to hope I have saved enough to break through to higher rounds now that I am basically guarenteed to be going negatives every round" which I enjoyed.

Really engaging game, great work! I have minimal feedback other then having a shop reroll would be nice for the late game to make runs more consistent.

Very nice entry! I think the take of the Tetris styled endless puzzle games works really well for this limitation.

I found on easy the game was basically play forever, I even had to step away for a bit and came back, was still alive and recovered with ease. I find in infinite games like this its good to have some sort of scaling so that you cant play forever. That being said on easy I played up to 20k points before just letting myself die. IIrc how tetris does this is as you hit certain scores you go up in difficulty, and the difficulty just determines where you start. That would be very welcome here I think!

On hard I think the game does everything right (tho I do just enjoy hard gameplay :3) the constant stream is fast enough that keeping up is going to be hard and it does keep escalating naturally as a result of the system. Good stuff! got up to 4K on that one.

The controls where great, felt good and the aiming felt very accurate. The visuals were clear and it was very easy to figure out what was going on. The tutorial screen communicated the important details as well clearly and quickly (and its great that I can reopen it!). Only thing I can mention is that once or twice my mouse would leave the window and I would not fire, not a big deal tho once I adapted.

Great entry!

I do love my grids hehe, thanks for playing!
Its very hard so don't worry if you cant beat it.

Yeah I definitely aimed to make it very hard haha.  

Mostly because its what I like in games and in Jam games in particular. For me if a jam game takes me a while to grind out to beat then it really enraptured me afterall! Second phase is brutal so I can see how one could get stuck there, Its probably the hardest phase

Glad you found it satisfying and thanks for playing!

Cant rate since I didn't join but I did have fun on it! 105 turns to complete

So to summarize my thoughts:
- I didn't read the tutorial clearly so there was a learning curve at first. Having H to reopen it helped alot so I could learn without resetting the run.

- Without a deck viewer the mid game got kind of hard as I had to just memorize what colors I was going for, not too bad once you get the seagull treats and start culling your deck of anything that isn't of your 3 colors. But definitely wasn't the most fun part of the challenge.

- The balance between drawing / culling, and getting points was great, alot of looking at your hand and deciding "is this a draw/cull hand? or is it a score hand? it made turns more dynamic since I couldn't just look for the best score every time.

- Took me a bit to figure out how to buy things, I had to reopen the tutorial to be reminded.

- Seagull treats took me a bit to figure out. At first I thought they would break open the mid game by permanently getting the seagull. This was wrong, then I was disappointed that I spend 24 to discard 1 card but I bit the bullet and kept buying treats. This was also wrong, they weren't 1 time use and I dint need to keep buying treats, just needed to redraw them! which did crack open the mid game! just in a different way! Getting cards that are used to modify your deck was super interesting.

- Visuals were somewhat static but dragging cards and buying them felt good enough.

- I think its truely impressive that you managed to create a game with distinct phases of the game. Early game is simple, you buy ice cream of 1 color and match. Mid game you start to transition into getting tier 2s and going for new combos. Late game you are switching between deck management via culling singles and scoring, you need a good score to get sundays, and once you have a sunday getting score opens up and you speed to the end.

Overall really great work had a blast clearing this one.

some QOL that would be nice for a game like this that like fitting into a jam would have been hard so it makes sense if it wasnt added:

- Deck viewer so you don't need to remember what your trying to snipe, especially since the colors dont have any effects to recognize them by

- Clicking on cards in your hand to teleport them to the first open slot in the market, since order does not matter.

- Discard/Draw pile counts to know when your deck is about to shuffle.

- The ability to end the turn with empty slots, It felt bad when I had a seagull and cake, and had to just slap in a cone for the sake of clearance. Especially in the mid game where I would just straight up skip turns looking for seagulls or better hands. At a certain point a bad hand just isnt even worth playing.

Thats all my thoughts! Thanks for making this is was alot of fun

Hey I did stream feedback here is the segment I played yours.
I played it for a uhhh chunk of time so you might want to skip to near the end where I tried to tldr my feedback.
Really well executed all around!

Hey there I was playing games on stream! Here is the recorded bit of this game:

Thanks for the feedback! I am curious if you got a good example of horror music you had in mind would be a good reference!

thanks again for playing and the kind words!

Oreos dipped in pudding is a nice treat, vanilla pudding specifically hehe.

Thank you so much for the praise! and thank you for playing!

You got the loot and thats all that matters hehe, I am glad you found it fun!

Thanks for playing

Dang that's an unfortunate way to go heh.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much for playing! I can definitely see why they are rare haha, its hard to fit in the amount of content that feels right. 

I see what you mean about the map size, its not super densely populated with anything so it can feel even more empty in that sense. THanks for the feedback!

Hey there! I was playing games on stream and here is the section when I played your game!

Addicting little score chaser! it was fun!