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This was surprisingly scary! The pixel art was incredible--the kid in his onesie or whatever was really cute and everything was simplified but perfectly readable. The UI prompt also really impressed me. 

I have to say I personally didn't have much fun with this one--the objectives would sometimes lag behind the progress of the story, and I did die once from not knowing how to get out of the tub. I also felt like it was...very, very tight in terms of margins for error. I came to look at the comments to see if it was even completable. It was, and I did beat it, but in the end I did feel a little bit frustrated with the experience. My first instinct when asked to find a weapon, for example, was to pick up one of the hoes or shovels on the wall. One of those tools even had a little blood on it; I thought for sure that was some kind of signposting. Of course, that wasn't the correct solution.

I imagine you had that type of thing planned--more variety and choice and stuff--especially since there are apparently more endings. But a jam is what it is, and I'm very impressed that you created all of this and got it to be so spooky. Good job!


Yeah, we definitely had more plans for the game, but with this being our first full game in a week's time we couldn't really get them down lol. I'm happy you like the simple pixel art I made though :