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I really like the cute walking sprites, however with the maps, there are plenty of locations that you need to check the pass-ability settings on. If you find yourself overwhelmed with the tileset options just add a region restriction plugin (I'd recommend VS Events Move Core) and manually set a region number in the params to be not walkable(It's in the region rulings section of the params). Then quickly paint the troublesome areas with that region. 

The songs that were picked have all fit well and sound great. The menu is simplified and pretty, but kind of missing any real substance.

All the NPCs have their own show text, but it's all pretty bland and pointless dialog. 

I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing at some points in the game. 

Some of the maps are okay, I like the watchtower building, and the mistress's throne.

Once you figure out where you're supposed to go, the next part the game has an interesting turn. You encounter some timed attack puzzles which I found to be quite a nice change of pace. Much appreciated here.

I liked the part where you rearrange the lion puzzle and she goes super sajajin (sayin). I couldn't help be say "KAAAA MAAAA HAAAA MAAAA HAAA!!"

There's some basic action sequencing here and some voice acting, however if you're not spamming your heal ability you may die in this battle. You might want to adjust the numbers a little bit.

The character's real names and powers are named after the star constellations. I like what you did here, very on brand. :)

You're basically a power ranger in this game. Except instead of getting your powers from dinosaurs it's powers granted from the star constellations.

I feel like this game is too wordy, it has too many cutscenes and not enough action. It would benefit from more gameplay and less story telling. The gameplay you get is actually good, but there's not enough of it. Overall not a bad entry into the game jam, it could be expanded upon into a bigger game for sure. Nice job! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback, Drifty! I really appreciate it. I'll make sure to fix (most of) these issues in the updated version. As I mentioned in Discord, I'm planning on continuing the story. Chapter 2 will have the gameplay more spread out, so it's not only cutscenes at the start.

(Since you mentioned the menu, the game wasn't supposed to be a RPG, but a full on puzzle game. That's why so many commands are missing from the menu. However I couldn't get the last puzzle "battle" working in time, so I switched it to a normal battle instead. I'm going to keep going with a normal battle system though.)