I got to level 5, would love a native build tho, feels a bit laggy. Doesn't feel like celeste movement polished, but it's very good. I like how it starts simple and gets harder, feels like it has a good difficulty curve. I noticed the respawn point sometimes starts me back to the start or sometimes midway in the level. After you get the key too, you can just die to teleport. Should probaly drop the key after you get it xD I recommend changing the colour of the ^ symbols when you overlay it so you know when you can boost using it! It is a bit confusing without the visual cues. Music is really good!
Thanks for the feedback! The way respawn points work (or at least should work) is they should teleport you to the last safe spot if you're hit, and to the beginning of the level if your live count goes below 1. I found a way to cheese it though in one level after I uploaded it. The fact that the key stays with you if you're hit (and not dead) is intentional, I thought that losing the key everytime you get hit would be a bit frustrating.
Yes, the visual cues are needed, that's true, I'll definitely add them later - also with a native build and some minor improvements.
Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate that, and I hope the overall experience was pleasant!