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sure! once you create the server, you can instantly send updates regarding the jam and if anyone has a question, you can answer it right away and multiple people can view it at the same time! it's really useful and really handy, especially if you wanted to reach multiple at the same time. is good but perhaps discord could be easier to maintain.

another thing is that you can create different channels for others to chat in and maybe make friends with each other and get to know each other or even exchange ideas!

Thanks Lily. I wonder if it would be useful for team building too? Someone has suggested Crowd Forge for team building, but I don't know if having things across a few sites is good or bad.

Hi @AshGary,

Usually, jams are hosted on, but they also use Crowd Forge and Discord too.

Crowd Forge is indeed very efficient for team building and Discord is useful to communicate. The idea with your Discord server is that it will features multiple channels. For example, you will have a "team building" channel, a "announcements" channel, a "project updates" channel, a "ressource" channel, etc. Moreover, at the end of the jam, it helps people to share their project with other participants and get feedback !

Here is a game jam's discord server example if you want to see what I'm talking about : It was created for the HEART JAM ( and has since become a server for participants to share their day to day projects.