Hello! It's packed in WinRaR archive. May be its a reason you can't open the game. I'm not sure Mac can use this archive and I don't have Mac to test. You can try to download iZip for Mac to unpackage files.
If it is not the issue please write me a personal message via email akegino@gmail.com and I will try to help.
Hello I changed archive to .7z instead of .rar specially for Mac users because I read that Mac got default 7z archive you can use.
Try to download the unpacked game to your computer using this link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RIF_XHhOjzHYgqRlUKMKVhh-MwRREEkG This is just game files for Mac. No archives, nothing except game. I hope it will solve the issue for you.