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(1 edit)

As an avid side-quester, I'm very proud to have gotten ending B first! (Is that the hardest one? I'm gonna pretend it is for the sake of my ego.) For a metagame like this one, it had more depth than expected, and the soundtrack was great. I'm used to playing jam games, so the flaws didn't bother me too much. I quite enjoyed my time grinding for the other endings... had to look at the comments for D because I totally forgot that prompt even existed, but oh well. I hope it did well in the jam, and omw to get that soundtrack now!!

Edit: I'm curious when exactly the Odin version of A Vision of Fire plays. I think I only heard it on D, which was the last ending I got, but then there was the other version unique to E, so if I had gotten that ending last, which would I have heard?

The Odin version plays when you finish the game with the female looking character for all Endings except E I think.

Thanks for the praise, great to hear that people still have fun with the game after such a "long" time :D I'm especially happy to hear that you like the OST. I'm basically just an amateur in that regard and still learning the ropes to this day.

Oh nice! I would have heard Odin on B ending as well, but I skipped the credits by mistake lol. Thanks for the quick answer!

The one thing I didn't like that much about the OST was that there was pause menu music. The pause menu has always felt to me like it should be a break from the action and not contain anything immediately new that would draw you into it or otherwise interrupt your gameplay significantly. A lot of games just use a low pass filter that goes into effect on the music already playing when you pause, which I think is nice. The pause menu music in this one was pretty cool, despite being short, so on the one hand I like it, but on the other hand I don't like that it exists, you know?


ha, interesting :) Never thought about that. Yeah, I would've loved to have a muffled version of the currently played song, but that was out of the question due to technical restrictions. That's why I went for a reduced, short-looped version of the main theme with a low sample rate to "imitate" that feeling. Apparently, that didn't work out well ;)

Yeah that was a good thought, but it still ends up starting the exact moment you hit pause... It hardly ruins the game though! I'm just a harsh critic.