I have an Android emulator around for playing mobile games, but it works for this! So I can actually give my thoughts.
Which is to say, I'm pretty impressed. There is a lot of potential here, I think. The opponent has a nice variety of dialogue, although I think her dialogue for winning is pretty lacking, there seems to only be like 3 or 4 lines for that. But for her losing, it was all unique far as I could see, which was nice.
My biggest gripe I'd say for now, is the rules aren't quite what I'm familiar with for blackjack, so perhaps an explanation of that somewhere could be nice.
Secondly, its really hard to actually tell the clothing state of your own character. For a while, I was thinking you just didn't lose clothes, despite the opponent saying otherwise.
I would seriously consider supporting this, if this is the quality to look forward too... I do think a PC version would really help though, as Android is far more limiting.