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A member registered Jun 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oooh, an update!

I detect some M16A1 energy from one of these girls, and that is a pleasing prospect indeed.

Bit of an unexpected thing that the farmer girl is immune to the lewd content.

So from the screenshots, this is kind of basically a... hrm, VN-style, pick options to progress kinda deal? And not a like, VN with some RPG elements or 'battles' of a sort, right?

It's finally here, the second night has arrived! I'm utterly, horribly financially broke, so I'll have to just wait to experience it. But congrats on getting the 2nd night done!

Oh I understand the mechanics of strip poker just fine!

I guess, thinking on it in a sense, because so many of the 'strip' poker games out there are one-sided 'get money to buy clothes' things... one you can actually lose in, as is proper like this, ends up being the far more novel outcome to me...

It occurs to me, I still haven't actually ever won a game in this... but I guess, I don't try very hard... which does make unlocking things tricky, in retrospect...

The genderswap of the MC is super cute/good.

Finally my feed has an update, and there's actually something new in it! It isnt lying to me for a change!

It's nice that alongside SPNATI, this is still goin' along

clearly will be an OC of mine who is a schoolgirl obv

The mystery classmate... WHO WILL IT BE!?

Huh, for a game with a slight card themed naming going for it, this isn't actually something about card games! And thus, not strip poker. Which is a shame.

Did not expect it to be about an artist and some modeling to start with though. Not bad I'd say, although I'm wondering what you have in mind.

A common thought process for these kind of things, to be fair! As far as ways to extend the game, your method isn't the worst for it, although I don't think the reasoning behind the rules is something Mrs. Claus brings up... it also doesn't seem clear if the player is actually losing clothes as they lose either, which is always a reasonable reason for a game to end in defeat!

Ah, I see what you mean now about my earlier comment. I'd certainly say the lack of the player seeming to strip if they lose is a missed opportunity, especially as it could then just speed up and spicen up the game if it was just about straight clothing removal.

I didn't expect a little bit of dialogue though, but it was a nice little thing to see. Nor did I expect to see the animation that reminds me of some Video Strip Poker games back in the day.

I'd still say the biggest weakness is the odd format of having to win a number of rounds before clothing comes off, instead of it just being a straight strip blackjack match, with clothes coming off each round for both sides.

Watch out she's got a gun!

A wild update appears!

Well, that's not unusual, it's just very rare for any strip poker or strip blackjack game to have the player actually have clothes to remove! Like, the player is invisible in Strip Poker Night at the Inventory (SPNATI), but they still have to strip and such.

Available in 2 days huh... hmm, suppose I'll keep an eye on it. From the UI, there might be a chance this is some proper strip blackjack, with clothing for the player!

An unexpected yakyuken offering appears! Not too bad, there's some dialogue which I certainly approve of. There seems to only be one set of dialogue for the player losing though, which is a bit disappointing. That's about the only issue I have with it honestly, the dialogue could use some expanding I think.

the milf time is here huh

That monster :(

I didn't know I had a reputation at all of being the one who looks everywhere for strip games!

I actually have! Not a bad one, although I'm not the biggest fan of "Play until someone is naked, then its over". Unless its 1 on 1, of course. A rare one that had a male and female protagonist option as well. It also remembers that a strip game is about stripping! Stripping for all! Opponents AND the player!

You made it past the mythical number 3 at least! Time to start the spin-offs!

Hey wait, this one doesn't even have rock paper scissors! Legacy titles!
A really, really bad joke aside, impressive to be up to 4 in a series! While I certainly do like strip games, this Dare challenge seems rather one-sided... and the opponents aren't to my liking, but I can still say I can appreciate your efforts and commitment to making things!

2 days before my birthday!

I didn't expect multiple parts to be honest though, so rather curious to see what 3 and 4 have in store! I suppose, in hindsight, at least up to part 2 made sense. Can't just have that principal around for nothin'!

Mark the calendar and make today a holiday for all!

Man, really putting a LOT of development effort into this, its rather impressive! The art is nice as well. A shame I'm not sure I'm really into card battles... but I guess that's also due to me enjoying different kind of battles. Still, I may as well keep an eye on things... I do see you posting on Reddit a lot about this game after all!


Not quite too sure how the H-content in this works, although I have to say I almost feel a bit sorry for the invading monsters. Here you are, coming to get some women... to then be shot to death by a firing squad of futanari women shooting cum at you. Until you die.

Incredibly awkward, I'm sure.

Does kind of need a speedup button or something though.

Will be interested to see how the "strip" part comes into play!

Graphically it looks nice, and the English translation seems accurate so far! There doesn't seem to be much of the "strip" part of the blackjack yet though... but the blackjack does seem to work!

Huh, what a rather... unique twist on a rock-paper-scissors game. I can't quite call it yakyuken, although it certainly has that element going for it after a fashion. Not used to there being more then RPS, and the strategic element going in with the fact you more play with 'cards', so you can't just spam moves over and over...

That third screenshot does answer the question of if the player strips at all in this game... she knows!

Swiggity hoppity, the Syd bunny coming for your... clothes... hrm, doesn't have a great end to it, huh?

I can't believe I still have to wait! GIB

I kid, I kid. Keep up the good work!

A new strip game in development huh? I'll have to keep an eye on that, always looking to play more of those...

Interesting to see that SPNATI was an inspiration. A good source of inspiration, honestly. It's kind of the standard that strip games should go for nowadays, I think.

Demon Arc coming for your clothes